About Sharon Bolt
Sharon is a skilled Curandera (Healer), Shamanic Magician, Ceremonialist and Educator.
Sharon has amassed a broad range of accredited professional qualifications (Kinesiology, Hypnotherapy, Family Constellations, NLP, Shamanic Practitioner, Chi Kung Instructor) while also undertaking a myriad number of additional studies in various fields (in both the apprenticeship and mentorship role), including aromatherapy, energy work, magick, witchcraft and ceremony. This intensive, embodied research commitment includes living full time with Korean energy masters for two years as a practicing Taoist monk.
Sharon co-founded Shamanic Energy Training over a decade ago - an immersive, multifaceted mind-body academy that boasts hundreds of students enrolled in an ongoing capacity at different levels. In 2021, The Temple of Shamanic Magick™ was created to reflect her desire to share new teachings which reflect her additional trainings and experiences.
Sharon is a prolific intuitive, and has written numerous original programmes, trainings and ceremonies which draw upon her endlessly-updated body of personally-experienced knowledge.
Shamanic Energy Training® has over 500 hours of workshops, programmes, mentoring and ceremonies on offer (this number omits the significant hours which students are committed to completing as part of their homework assignments).
All of Sharon's work continues to be revised, integrated and streamlined, as spirit work is a flowing river, not a stagnant pond.
Sharon has tapped into a number of innate lineage gifts - and assembled a wide array of diligently-perfected techniques and abilities - over the course of her initiations into the mysterious expressions of Spirit Made Manifest.
Sharon can tune into ideas as they first drop into the quantum field. Her templates have helped hundreds of people offer high frequency yet grounded spiritual offerings.
Sharon creates grounded sacred spaces that offer up evolutionary opportunities, and is used to working with the deepest wounds in people – emotional and otherwise.
Sharon is a spiritual midwife, and helps people ‘birth’ their True Authentic Selves.
She is not a spiritual lightweight when it comes to seeking out and embodying new realms of esoteric and traditional knowledge.
Sharon has undergone rigorous spirit initiations (in different parts of the world) in order that she may “walk her talk” with authenticity, integrity and candour.

Spirit Initiations
Her early career as a Global Account Director for London based Advertising Agencies provides a solid professional foundation for conducting extremely-organised and smoothly-executed training events and ceremonies. She is a grounded facilitator who exhibits
a simultaneously empathic and decisive approach in her dealings with both group and individual interactions.
A prolific collector of philosophical and applied wisdom from a diverse spectrum of schools and traditions, Sharon shares her learnings and insights (whether online or in-person) in a holistic manner, allowing her to provide meaningful and relevant insights which encompass a wide range of her own lived experiences.
A native of Nicaragua, Sharon’s lineage expresses a melting pot of global heritage, encompassing indigenous American, Spanish and English (to name but a few). She comes from a bloodline of spirit workers and curanderos (healers).
Sharon has also created a unique “Plant Spirit Ceremonialist / Sacred Space Weaver” programme, which is modelled after Lemurian ceremonial templates that can be tailored in order to align with your ancestral lineage. This proven template system is being successfully applied by our graduates in sold-out ceremonies, ritual evenings, online spiritual containers, workshops and events.
Her work is life-changing.
People step out of her Dragon Containers with renewed intention, inspired to live from an authentic place that's grounded in 'right relationship' with the spirit world.
Hundreds of participants have stepped onto this path which Sharon herself has traversed, and are now engaging with it at various levels of personal and professional practice.
To use just one of her programmes as an illustration of Sharon's 'reach' and influence, she has trained over 500 people in the subtle and immersive artform of Plant Kingdom communication , resulting in these participants engaging with plant work practice in profoundly-personal ways - from incorporating plant work into their healing sessions, to selling plant products in their clinics. Through her commitment to practicing authentic, judicious, and reverent expressions of Spirit, Sharon has impacted how sacred spaces are run across Australia.
My experience
“Five years ago, even though I had been doing this work for 15 years with various teachers, I found myself having to start again. During a ceremony in Wales, my ancestors came in and told me to put down everything I had learnt previously. I had to go on a journey of lineage alignment with the right teachers.
I did this work for so long and made many mistakes in the process, as I was also learning from other children in this work. By ‘children’ I mean people that look the part, look like they are doing the work, but there is not much substance there - even though they probably thought there was, and their hearts were in the right place. However, it was time for me to go deeper.
My lineage realignment was tough, I had to let everything go.
After that, I made a decision that I would teach differently, and share with participants everything I was never taught on this path in such a way as to make their own journey easier.
I share from a place of reconciliation, imagining my younger self in the room, and sharing with her all the things that I wish she had known. I tell people the reality of this path, and go into the pitfalls so that you can walk in with eyes wide open, and with the information you need to make informed decisions.
The true path is not sexy, it’s not glamorous, and it doesn’t happen overnight - you can expect a minimum of three to five years of serious training.
A lineage-aligned path involves stepping into a remarkable life - this path is breathtakingly beautiful, and I walk it daily with reverence, honour and respect.
I am it’s forever student and am continuously humbled by it. I am committed to being a hollow bone for this work.”
Sharon’s Qualifications & Workshops Attended
Family Constellations Advanced, Family Constellations PTY LTD (November 2019)
Family Ancestral Healing Intensive, Ancestral Medicine Organisation, Daniel Foor (April 2019)
Family Constellations Foundation, Family Constellations PTY LTD (November 2018)
ISHA Clinical Aromatherapy Course, Module 3, (2017)
Geomancy Practitioner Course, All About Earth, taught by Richard Creightmore & Jewels Rocka, Geomancy Australia (February 2018)
3 Year Program of Advanced Initiations in Shamanism & Shamanic Healing in Shamanic Studies, The Foundation for Shamanic Studies ASIA (Completed October 2017)
Chakra Healing Kinesiology, (August 2016)
ISHA Clinical Aromatherapy Course, Module 2 (December 2016)
The Quantum Consciousness Experience Facilitator Training, Institute of Quantum Consciousness, (May 2016)
ISHA Clinical Aromatherapy Course, Module 1 (April 2016)
Hypnoenergetics for Past Life, Institute of Hypnoenergetics (March 2016)
Michael Harner’s Foundation for Shamanic Studies Asia:
3 year diploma training with the Foundation of Shamanic Studies
Extraction Healing Training; Shamanism, Dying and Beyond – Psychopomp; Power Soul Retrieval; Shamanic Training in Creativity; Shamanic Advanced Divination Training (February 2015)
Shamanic initiations with native healers/apprenticeships in Peru, Bali, Korea & Australia (2013-2015)
Healing Hands Practitioner, VenArch Wellness Therapies Australia (October 2015)
Diploma of Clinical Hypnotherapy / Practitioner of Hypnoenergetics, Institute of Hypnoenergetics (October 2015)
Certificate of Hypnosis, Institute of Hypnoenergetics (November 2014)
Reiki Level 1 & 2 Practitioner Training, in the Usui Method of Natural Healing, UK (February 2012)
Integrated Healing – Healing Mind, Healing Body UK (May 2011)
Integrated Healing – Healing Concepts, Healing Pathways, UK (April 2011)
Advanced Integrated Course in Kinesiology, UK (March 2010)
Triangles of Light Natural Healing Method, UK (February 2010)
Post Graduate course in Biochemical Pathways Part 2, UK (December 2009)
Foundation Certificate in Contemporary Psychotherapy, BeeLeaf Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy, UK (March 2009)
Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Beeleaf Institute for Contemporary Psychotherapy, UK (March 2009)
Nutri Ltd Therapeutic Interventions for Chronic Conditions, UK (October 2009)
Omega Teaching Centre Nutritional Training Annual Update, UK (September 2009)
Omega Teaching Centre Adrenal Exhaustion Seminar, UK (July 2009)
Neuro Energetic Kinesiology, The Genetic I Ching Hologram, Ireland (February 2009)
Neuro Energetic Kinesiology, Neuro Emotional Pathways 2, Ireland (November 2008)
Neuro Energetic Kinesiology, Chakra Hologram 1, Ireland (November 2008)
Neuro Energetic Kinesiology, Neuro Emotional Pathways 1, Ireland (September 2008)
Post Graduate course in Biochemical Pathways course in Kinesiology Part 2 and Higher Vehicles, UK (November 2008)
ITEC Diploma in Diet & Nutrition for Complementary Therapists, UK (May 2008)
The Academy of Systematic Kinesiology Professional Practitioner Training Course in Systematic Kinesiology, UK (February 2007)
College of Chi Kung London Teacher Training Programme, (June 2007)
The Academy of Systematic Kinesiology Foundational Course in Systematic Kinesiology, UK (January 2006)
Emotional Freedom Technique Practitioner, New Age London (July 2005)
The Nutritional Testing Training course with The Academy of Systematic Kinesiology, UK (November 2005)
Mental Fitness for Athletes Seminar for Professionals, Total Fitness, UK (March 2005)
Dahn Hak Korean Energy Training London & Korea, Full time 2 years (2002-2004), Part time for an additional 5 years
QUT Bachelor of Business in Communication, Advertising Major (1991-1993)