The Tree Kingdom

The Tree Kingdom

Ground yourself in the wisdom of the Tree Kingdom with this immersive experience .You’ll dive into powerful practices like tree magick, divination, working with powerful Grove Magick for healing and transformation. 

Perfect for anyone seeking stability, presence, and a renewed relationship with the natural world, this workshop is an invitation to grow alongside the timeless guardians of the Earth.

Behold the wisdom that awaits us when we open to the magick and wonder of working with the Tree Kingdom!

The White Dragon Lineage offers a powerful two day experience (or 5 weeks online) that will expand your work with plant spirits to include the realm of trees, align you with your ancestral tree and open you to your energetic tree of life.

If you feel an attraction to trees and are keen to discover or deepen your connection, this immersion will guide you into an authentic conversation with the true wisdom keepers of this planet.

Topics covered can include:

  • Becoming an integral Tree Guardian

  • The Green Man and Green Heart initiation

  • Tree magick and rituals

  • Working with trees for healing and guidance

  • The Grove of Consciousness - expanding consciousness through tree work

  • Tree essence healings - self and others.  Tree essences will be available for sale.

  • Yggdrasil Journeys 

  • Tree Ogham and divination

  • Crafting an authentic tree wand and witches broom

Please note that topics may change based on the needs of the group.

“The Tree Kingdom has changed my life in miraculous ways. I never forget the day I met a Tree Spirit for the first time, and the way I now see trees has forever changed. I look forward to sharing my experiences of the Tree Kingdom to support your journey into accessing the deeper roots of animistic work.”

— Sharon Bolt

Throughout the timeline of every mystical and shamanic tradition, trees hold a place of power and significance. For what did Buddha sit under? Who did Eve take the apple from? And how is the Norse map of mythology explained? Again and again, we see trees as a key to deeper understanding, insight and wisdom.

When we acknowledge the codes that trees carry, we begin an authentic journey to human betterment within this lifetime. When we step into tree work with a green heart centered consciousness, we are rewarded with an unprecedented level of grounding and the ability to reach the higher levels of consciousness.

How do you know if this workshop is for you?

  • You have a love for Trees and desire to work deeper with their essence

  • You desire more stability, presence and grounding in your daily life

  • You ready to deepen your capacity to hold, both yourself and others

  • You are calling in support for the expansion of your potential

  • You require frequency modulation in your everyday environment

  • You are ready to learn about resilience from the master teachers

  • You are stepping into deeper levels of selfless service

  • You yearn to deepen your roots within the animistic path

  • You would like to include Tree Spirits with your clinic

How does this Training work?

This course will run live and in person over one weekend.

You will receive mentoring and guidance from Sharon Bolt, the co-creator of Shamanic Energy Training® and creator of The Temple of Shamanic Magick®, throughout your learning journey. 

While working with the Tree Kingdom, Sharon will guide you through a series of experiential exercises and direct enquiries that enable you to connect with authentic tree consciousness.

As a prolific Spirit Worker and Shamanic teacher, Sharon will support you through developing a deeper connection with Trees, allowing them to inform you or the best way to become a Tree Guardian and deepen your animistic path.


Bianca Jewell

The Tree Kingdom participant

“This workshop is a true gift to all kingdoms.”

The Tree Kingdom was a transformational workshop that I am still feeling the ripples and benefits of the high level transmissions that I received over the weekend. Sharon’s Shamanic Energy Training space holding frequency was unlike anything I have felt before as a participant, and I have attended most of her workshops over the last 6 years.

Sharons connection to the spirit world and the high frequency of pure love that she holds within the space is a gift and a blessing to us all and to the tree kingdom. Not only did I learn and discover the true essence of this incredible Kingdom, I also participated in reconciliation work, soul constellations, transmissions from the Fae and Elves kingdom and learnt about tree grove technology that i will be introducing into my 1:1 sessions. This workshop is a true gift to all kingdoms.

Tree Kingdom - Online begins early March and I cannot wait to do this workshop again. Don’t miss out on this one!!

“… teaching that has truely rippled out beyond all comprehension to my own lineage, my clients & my community”

This weekend training was epic! So many blessings & healings received as a participant. Thank you Sharon for another one of your generous teachings that has truely rippled out beyond all comprehension to my own lineage, my clients & my community. Highly recommended.

Karen Riley

The Tree Kingdom participant

Jo Bell Cummings

The Tree Kingdom participant

“The Grove teachings that are shared during the training were like nothing I’ve come across - a completely new technology and I can’t wait to implement them…”

Last year I attended The Tree Kingdom which was the 3rd workshop in Shamanic Energy Training’s “The Kingdom of Light”.

This particular workshop was incredible and filled with such beauty and magick. The gifts I received throughout our time together have been a huge blessing and have continued to unfold and ripple throughout my world.

The Grove teachings that are shared during the training were like nothing I’ve come across - a completely new technology and I can’t wait to implement them in my 1:1 sessions now that they’ve begun to integrate.

I’ve recognised a new stability and a deeper anchoring within myself since The Tree Kingdom - my own roots are much stronger than ever before.

I can’t recommend this workshop highly enough - it’s richly layered with ancient wisdom teachings that offer invaluable support in our modern day lives.

The Tree Kingdom is available online 5th March and there are just a few places left.

“I absolutely loved this weekend and the incredible magic that unfolded. If you want to connect to the trees, I highly recommend.”

Sam Nobes

The Tree Kingdom participant

Brooke Vletjes

The Tree Kingdom participant

“The Three Kingdom has been a beautiful, epic reweaving in so many ways.”

I’m really not quite sure how to express the deep restorative experience of this weekend.

The Three Kingdom has been a beautiful, epic reweaving in so many ways. And The Groves have been such a pleasure and honour to work with.

Thank you for all that you share and embody.

There are still a couple of places left for the online transmission at the start of March.

“… I’m so blown away by its infinite applications and the healing frequency being weaved.”

At the end of last year I attended Sharon’s Tree Kingdom workshop and absolutely loved it. More than just a tree connection experience you, you learn an incredible healing modality of ‘grove technology’ that I’ve been playing with personally & in clinic this year and I’m so blown away by its infinite applications and the healing frequency being weaved.

Sharon is running it online in March and only has a few spots left, so if you’re keen I highly recommend.

Sara Brooke

The Tree Kingdom participant

Simone Demanuele

The Tree Kingdom participant

“This truly was a magickal journey with The Tree Kingdom, uncovering way more than I thought …”

This truly was a magickal journey with The Tree Kingdom, uncovering way more than I thought … with deepest gratitude to you Sharon Bolt for the safe, supportive and nurturing containers you hold, combined with your wisdom.

This was easily one I’ll be attending again. I loved it.

Blessings and gratitude to the trees and tree consciousness that is constantly contributing to us and all the lessons and medicine, and of course to the Dragons.

“… all that I had been working on through my spiritual pathway was landing and embodying in a very grounded way.”

When I chose this program, little did I know the huge impact it would have on me and how. It was as if all the pieces of the puzzle started to come together and all that I had been working on through my spiritual pathway was landing and embodying in a very grounded way.

Sharon’s ‘Kingdoms of Light’ training has been a game changer for me and activated parts of self and within my lineage that I didn’t know were there.

The Tree Kingdom is a total rewiring of your DNA and a very grounded approach that is felt within the body. The effects of this training are still reweaving through my world.

I am truly grateful for heeding the call to this and for Sharon’s offering to this world and our beloved trees. Can’t wait to do it again online! Thank you.

Katie Anderson

The Tree Kingdom participant

Kingdoms of Light Participant

“My mental health vastly improved when I was gifted space away from the anxiety and pain in my heart so I could listen deeply to what was causing and triggering it.”

Hi Sharon, I wanted to share with you the profound shifts that occurred for me at your Kingdoms of Light trainings. For months and months I had been experiencing anxiety and a huge disconnection with my heart-space. However at the Kingdoms of Light my heart experienced one of the deepest healings I’ve ever received.

My mental health vastly improved when I was gifted space away from the anxiety and pain in my heart so I could listen deeply to what was causing and triggering it. This was so empowering for my journey. I was really floored when an ongoing injury on my heart meridian immediately resolved from one of your ceremonies - it still hasn’t resurfaced!

Still pinching myself because it’s been a problem for so long. I’m truly humbled by the power of spirit and how powerful your ceremonial skills are. I cannot thank you enough for your integrity and commitment to this path.

“… the Tree Kingdom immersion workshop was a profound journey of self-discovery and communion with the natural world. It's an experience that has fundamentally shifted my perspective and continues to shape my daily life in the most beautiful and unexpected ways.”

I can't speak highly enough about my experience at the Tree Kingdom weekend immersion in November 2023 followed by the online 5 week journey in March, 2024. Both offerings were nothing short of extraordinary!

As someone who already harbors a profound love for trees, and has done many of Sharon's trainings, I had high expectations. However, what I encountered surpassed all of them. The workshops delved deep into the realm of tree medicine and wisdom, unfolding layers of insight and connection that I never imagined possible. It's as if a veil was lifted, revealing the profound gifts and ancient wisdom that these majestic beings hold.

Sharon, possesses a rare and remarkable gift for creating spaces of profound reconciliation and reconnection with the unseen world. Her guidance allowed each participant to tap into their own intuition and establish a unique connection with the dryads, the ancient spirits of the trees. Through her gentle encouragement, we learned to trust our instincts and attune ourselves to the subtle frequencies of the natural world.

But Sharon's generosity didn't stop there. She also shared her (over) 15 years of knowledge of working with tree consciousness, teaching us how to work with Grove Magick through intentionally-crafted tree essences for both self-healing and clinical practice. This aspect of the workshop was particularly empowering, as it equipped us with practical tools to continue our journey of healing and connection long after the workshop concluded.

In essence, the Tree Kingdom immersion workshop was a profound journey of self-discovery and communion with the natural world. It's an experience that has fundamentally shifted my perspective and continues to shape my daily life in the most beautiful and unexpected ways. I wholeheartedly recommend it to anyone seeking to deepen their relationship with nature and unlock the transformative power of tree medicine.

Thank you Sharon for all that you do to share this important knowledge and help us reignite the magick that lives in our memories and in our lineages. You are one of a kind and I am so grateful that our paths have crossed in this lifetime.

Kate Reed

The Tree Kingdom participant

“It is truly amazing, how the Trees are now with me all day and how held & supported I feel through it”

Tree Grove Magick has brought so much grounding, power, growth and protection into my life. I feel continuously held and supported in a way that I have not experienced from any other shamanic or spiritual practice in my repertoire. It is truly amazing, how the Trees are now with me all day and how held & supported I feel through it.

For me personally Id even say that Tree-Grove-Magick is on parr with the power of Rattle/Drum Magick in my life. Since it is a constant energetic container that I can create around me, its impact can easily surpass the benefit of pretty much most other tools I have. In many ways it feels like a much more powerful and potent version of crystal grids. 

I am so grateful for this inspiring and graceful reconnection to the plant kingdom that this workshop has offered me. Received such a new, unexpected and exciting layer is awesome!

Thank you to Sharon & Thank you to the Trees.

Jonathan Anahata

The Tree Kingdom participant

This live training has past

Please contact Sharon to access previously recorded sessions. 

Available with six months of access for self-paced learning.