Things I wish I had known before becoming a Space Holder

My journey into space holding began 22 years ago as a young Taoist monk and has continued to this day through multiple trainings in many modalities, initiations in the Amazonian jungle, the Australian central desert and all that you experience after holding over 500 ceremonies over a 15 year period.  

I have also spent the last 10 years teaching in person and online, training thousands of people in various aspects of spirit work and space holding.

During this time I have had some tough lessons, made many mistakes and learnt a great deal. I look forward to candidly sharing the things I wish someone had told me before becoming a Space holder.

Why would I need this training? 

I have developed this training as I am seeing that there is a huge gap in spiritual workers training on the actual process and energetics of holding a sacred space.

Many of you are very gifted and in touch with Spirit already and may even have a roster of clients and a thriving business, however if we have not learnt how to hold space properly the cracks always begin to show. Spiritual workers get very often burnt out, experience some sort of crisis in their business, psychic attacks or even periods of backlash from their clients and followers. Many will struggle with their health or energy. 

This can all be avoided when you learn the mechanics and energetics of being a GREAT space holder. 

This is what I wish someone had told me before I was called to this work, and so this is the gift I am offering to you all. 

Even if you are completely new to becoming a space holder, and are feeling the nudge, the pull from Spirit to take up this divine assignment, but you don´t feel particularly gifted, or worthy or confident in becoming a spiritual worker and holding spaces, trust me this training is equally if not more valuable for you, than for experienced practitioners. 

This teaching is designed to give you the confidence you feel you are lacking. If Spirit is calling you and you don´t yet feel worthy to answer the call, maybe this masterclass will show you that we ALL need to learn and need training. 

Learn the process and practice of space-holding so that you can feel confident and trusting that ANY space you hold for yourself to connect with Spirit or your clients to connect with Spirit is PRISTINE and safe for you, your clients and for your energetic vessel. 

I have seen the good, the bad and the ugly of space holding and I am passionate about training space holders to hold pristine spaces where true Soul healing and transformation can occur.

Never underestimate the art of holding space for yourself, it always starts with us.

Space Holder Masterclass
One time

Learn the process and practice of space-holding so that you can feel confident and trusting that ANY space you hold for yourself to connect with Spirit or your clients to connect with Spirit is PRISTINE and safe for you, your clients and for your energetic vessel.

✓ Get a clear idea of what sacred space holding is
✓ The requirements for sacred space
✓ Learn about mistakes space holders make
✓ How to become an integral space holder of your own energy
✓ Instant access to pre-recorded masterclass

Testimonials for Space Holder Masterclass