The Dragon Kingdom
Step into the power and wisdom of the Dragon Kingdom. This immersion will transform your relationship with personal power. In this sacred experience, you’ll be led through an ongoing practice designed to reclaim and integrate your own spiritual strength with integrity.
You’ll learn powerful dragon fire practices, connect with elemental dragons, and explore the Dragon Rider Code and Dragon Keys. Ideal for those ready to embody Dragon consciousness and reconnect with their authentic power.
We cannot effectively work with dragons if we don’t have spiritual power, if we feel powerless or if we are abusing our power.
Everyone has given their power away consciously or unconsciously at stages in their journey. We have also all felt powerless or abused our power during the course of our lives. My power retrieval work is designed to bring remedy and resolve to our relationship with power, our own power and power sources. It is key to reconcile the times were you have had power issues, remove blocks to the retrieval of power and enable you to embody your power with ethics, honour and integrity, in particular during the year of the Dragon. Otherwise you will not be able to harness this magnificent energy to its fullest potential.
Power retrieval is a potent process which you will be able to work with on yourself time and time again, this training is a gift that will keep on giving. What makes this process even more magical is that the Dragon Kingdom will support you in your power retrieval work and be a mirror to your own power journey. Never has such a combination been offered before. Your relationship to power will be forever changed.
We will work with elemental dragons and experience:
New potent Dragon fire practices
How to differentiate between benevolent and malevolent dragons
The Dragon Keys
How to embody Dragon consciousness
How to support your dragon when needed
The Dragon Rider Code
Dragon magick for manifestation
Dragons and your Soul
The Dragon Elders – this is very special. For the first time they have asked to be included.
Ancestral Dragons
Michelle Ruskin, Acupuncturist will join one of the sessions as we deep dive into elemental wisdom.
And so much more!
This work will also touch your heart at deeper levels as you learn what it means to truly embody a Dragon heart. I have been initiated and been working with Dragons for nearly 2 decades. I have trained people as dragon workers for the last 10 years. All the teachings I will be sharing are new as it’s time to release them! I have co-created all my trainings with the Dragon Kingdom as an initiate and representative of The White Dragon Lineage. It is a joy and a pleasure to be able to share authentic, embodied and ethical Dragon wisdom with you all.
Your Investment
The workshop is $999. Use Coupon DRAGONEB24 at checkout before 23 September, 2024 to receive the special early bird price of $777.
Payment plans also available - please email to enquire.
The training includes a beautiful elemental dragon altar cloth.
In person training available in Melbourne on 26 & 27 October 2024.
Online training is available starts on 31 October 2024 for 5 weeks (Thursday nights 6:30pm).
Testimonials for The Dragon Kingdom
This live training has past
Please contact Sharon to access previously recorded sessions.
Available with six months of access for self-paced learning.