Activate the Dreamer
The Temple of Dreams Trainings
Dream Weaving The Organic Timeline
“Activate the Dreamer” is the first programme from The Temple of Shamanic Magick’s Dream Trainings and Initiations designed to facilitate connection to your Immortal Self, ignite Soul Remembrance and knowing whilst opening the door to deep Soul healing at a quantum level.
Sharon looks forward to sharing future levels of this work. Currently “Activate the Dreamer” is being offered by Sara Brooke and Dean Benson who have full training and permission to share this work.
Activate the Dreamer is a dreaming body retrieval and dream realm activation to dream the new earth.
This programme is designed for those who wish to become aligned to their dreams, co-create with Source Consciousness and be in service to our Sacred Mother. Dream Weaving is a Shamanic Skill that takes years of communion. Most of us dream at night and do not access the true dreaming realms and are just stuck in the astral world.
“Activate the Dreamer” is a 33 day commitment to developing your woven connection to not only your dream recall, lucid dreaming and personal intentions, but to earth work, ritual magick and the greater good. Planting the seed for the Dreamer within to step forward.
We all have a dreaming body that can become damaged or hurt, yet dreaming in the benevolent dreaming realms is our birth right.
The programme invites participants on 33 nights of deep dreaming to heal your dreaming body and dream together the weaving of the organic timeline with the Great Mother of Creation.
The group experiences dream body repair work and experience different dreaming practices with the facilitator as your guide and witness.
13 is a sacred number and is our number guardian for this journey. During the training we will explore the significance of 13 and it’s key to healing our dreaming body and so much more.
Conscious, intentional dreaming in a group has the power to:
Connect you to your soul family
Allow you to find calm, clarity and purpose
Ignite connection with other realms
Allow you to feel part of a telepathic web of weavers
Enable you to weave your life differently with the inherent power of dreaming
Explore the different dreaming realms
Open you to reality co-creation in the dreaming realms
Ignite your elemental connection through a practice known as Elemental Dreaming
You will have set homework which must be done each night before bed (allow min 10 min).
The group opens and closes with Sacred Ceremony. It is supported by weekly calls to receive insights and suggestions on your journey. This is a highly active group where there is daily connection.
This journey is a deep reconnection, remembrance and inner journey. This will allow you to comprehend the different dreaming realms and learn how to activate them for an intentional life embedded with synchronicity and connection.
Frequently Asked Questions
What if I can’t recall my dreams, will I still benefit?
Yes. This work is designed to heal and activate your dreaming body, build new neural networks and instill the disciplines required to help you recall and anchor intentionalised dreams into your physical life. This work may activate sooner for some than others as this is an individual process.
Why is Dreaming a Skill worth committing too?
Everything in reality comes from a Dream, all of humanities communities over time, technologies and ways of life have come from the Dreaming Realms. From a 3D viewpoint all the greatest inventions on this planet have started from a seed of creation, from an idea in someone’s mind, that has then bloomed into a full blown business, invention or movement. From a Shamanic point of view, you can access the realms of Creation through intentional Dreaming Work, which has strong lineage traditions to manifest and co-create with Spirits for a Unified outcome. Dreaming in a new reality for this planet is of the utmost importance at this time.
How can I best prepare for dreaming in this pod?
You may benefit from a gut cleansing protocol prior to joining the pod. Alternatively you can start working with the Liberation Remedy in the lead up to the Opening Ceremony which can be used intentionally for pre cleansing and to kick start your dreaming journey. Contact your dreaming pod facilitator to purchase additional bottles. Additionally you may like to work with specifically designed herbal cleansing suppositories made by Alyce, one of the dreaming facilitators which includes the Liberation Remedy and other parasite, cleansing and dreaming herbs.
I have never done anything like this before, is it suitable for a beginner?
Yes this body of work is suitable for beginners and advanced dreamers alike. We work in a feminine way which encompasses an element of surrender and not forcing an outcome. The rituals and practices shared in this 33 night experience are designed to create new neural pathways for dreaming, dream recall and deeper connection to the earth and the greater weave of creative consciousness which activates at different times for everyone, much like seeds that germinate in their own perfect time.
What if I skip some of the nights of intentional dreaming, will I be kicked out of the group?
No. But remember this is a group effort and the more we put in as a collective pod the more we will get back as we are working as co-creators with the Earth Mother. Be fair and considerate to the group as a whole and use this as an opportunity to practice commitment to self, others and the collective as a whole.
I am already an advanced dreamer, will I still benefit from this dreaming pod experience?
Yes. Note it is not about how good or not we can dream, it is about uniting collectively with the Earth Mother to assist in planting new seeds for our lives, our future and generations to come. The activations and transmissions shared in this pod are very unique to the lineage which you will be supported by on your dreaming journey (The White Dragon Lineage), and can deepen your current dreaming gifts and / or activate new gifts you may not already be aware of. This work is also designed to open you to new realms of Dreaming that you may not have previously had access to.