Phase 2: Rose - Heart Of The Rose
In this phase we work with Rose to surrender and receive the mystical, lush, open, inviting and playful essence of The Heart Center, the Middle Cauldron. The medicine of Rose focuses on gently fusing the heart energy with our womb centres for a joyous level of embodiment and sensuality.
Within this phase we will:
Embrace the benevolent lineages of the Priestesses of Isis
Commune with the Sisterhood of the 12th Dimensional Rose
Deepen the womb-heart connection
Receive the Sisterhood of the Rose rituals and Egyptian magical practices
Open to the miracles of Mary Magdalene
Empower the magnetism of the Heart Centre
Heart clearings and activations
Activate your Spirit’s true voice and frequency
Deepen into self mothering, self nurturing and self love
Emotional release work
Elemental body work
Heart energy manifestation and abundance practices
Teachings of the Mystic Rose
Welcoming the Astral Garden of Roses
Opening to the 12D rose through Rose Ceremony
Mama Cacao Ceremony for higher heart empowerment
The Dreaming Rose teachings
Awareness and interacting with body devas
Twin flames, twin souls and soul mate alignment
Inner feminine divinity reclamation
Safe practice for working with sex magick
Releasing the thorns of the heart
As you walk the Path of the Rose, you embrace your sovereignty, worthiness and inherent power as a woman. Shedding limitations that have hindered you from truly walking and living your path as the Woman you know yourself to be.
This phase includes:
In person participants receive 2 days of in person training, online participants receive weekly training calls
Private community support space
Monthly mentoring calls
Heart Altar Pack containing:
A high quality Rose egg and bag
A sacred geometry silk altar piece
Breast oil
Organic Essential Oil spray
3 candles and holders for candle magic work
Rose Quartz Crystal
Vibrational Flower Essence Remedy
Rose Incense
Chalice for Egg and Incense
Spell Kit Bag
Self Care Booklet