10 Things to Take Your Creativity and Work with Spirit to the Next Level

I get asked a lot “Sharon, when are you going to stop creating programs? Don’t you just want to relax”…. the answer is never.

Some people create out of duty, I create out of LOVE.

I love the creative process, I love co-writing programmes with the spirit world and then embodying the work.

Once that is done and I have tried and tested the teachings and the rituals, the programme is “cooked” and ready to be shared (this process may take anything from 6 months to 10 years!).

My partner said to me today “I have never seen someone pour so much love and have so much fun with their work”.

I am not working, I am loving what I do. This is why I have teachers of my work, I can’t physically share in one year all I have created.


The following helped me take my creativity and ability to work with Spirit to another level:


  • Ongoing inner child work – this is non negotiable as our inner child IS the creative genius. When the inner child is free to express itself and no longer cares what anyone else thinks, magick happens. 

  • Let go of comparison and trust - I focus on myself and my lane – what I do best. I have learnt to trust myself and the work that comes through me.

  • Have fun with your imagination – let your imagination run wild, try listening to classical music and making up what is happening in the scene as if it were a movie. Imagination is key to kickstart this work. Most spirit workers are mostly in their imagination until sh!t gets real. This is when people either come running back for more training or leave this work and go back to organised religion. More on that in another post.

  • Play – ensure that your life has playtime – I love nothing more then hanging out with my niece.

  • Have a creative hobby that forces you to access different parts of your brain e.g. dance, crafting etc. I am currently enjoying a puzzle.

  • Be patient – we all have different gifts; copying someone else is an insult to your Soul. Keep watering your own lane and your creativity will blossom in divine timing.

  • Womb work – I birth programmes through my womb centre, not my third eye. The secrets to this are shared in my The Empress & The Dragon work.

  • Trauma healing – non-negotiable if you don’t want to be stuck in unhelpful nervous system responses to your creations.

  • Spirit work – I trained for decades so that I would have the discernment, boundaries, ethics, integrity and honour necessary for this work. I have made every mistake in the book so that you don’t have to. If working with Spirit in every area of your life calls you, then Sacred Space Weaver is for you. Accessing the unseen world is the magick we have all been missing, why live in a 3D reality when you don’t have to?

  • Medicinal mushrooms – I’ve attached a mushroom image because I get so much out of including medicinal mushrooms in my diet. The Mushroom Kingdom will come out next year! I also work a lot with The Kingdoms of Light for inspiration and co-creation – The Plant Kingdom, The Tree Kingdom, The Crystal Kingdom etc. I have trainings for all the Kingdoms, the next one is The Dragon Kingdom. In person is fully booked, online has a few spaces left. Click here to learn more about The Dragon Kingdom training.

Much love

Sharon x


The Year of the Dragon


International Women’s Day