The Year of the Dragon


we are all somewhat weary, never before have we witnessed so much quick change in the collective… it’s also fun to be on the edge of our seats right? 

However, despite all the external societal changes we may still have a feeling that the true change has yet to occur. 

The change that ensures you are on the highest level of your Soul’s timeline in this lifetime.  

The Soul loves quick change but our ego doesn’t – finding that balance can be tricky but let’s make it easier for ourselves by being ready for change. 

How do we get ready for change?  By becoming “lighter”

  • Become energetically lighter by de-cluttering all things you no longer need in your life

  • Become physically lighter by eating according to your genetic type and your stage of life

  • Become mentally lighter by not allowing outdated belief systems to rule your way of thinking

  • Become spiritually lighter by not chasing every method and teacher out there – depth in one pathway beats surface experiences


By streamlining across all levels you are sending a very clear message – I AM READY FOR CHANGE, you can add to your intention “Thank you for the changes that will guide me to my true Soul aligned path with kindness, ease and grace”. 

This decluttering process allows the ego to get used to the changes coming at a slower pace so you can manage the transition better as a human.


The Year of the Dragon always brings change to those that are ready to shift in all areas of their life.


The last year of the Dragon, I moved from London to Australia.  This happened within 3 weeks! I knew I wanted a BIG change and went through the process outlined above – I decluttered everything and as soon as I was ready, the opportunity presented itself.  I also had to let go of my kinesiology business and allow my shamanic path to unfold.  It wasn’t easy but I am so glad I trusted the rapid changes that occurred.


Let’s get up to Soul speed.


May the Dragons’ wings assist your next level of evolutionary change.


The Soul’s Love Languages


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