Sharing Medicine vs. Sharing Poison
You can’t be serving medicine from a vessel that is filled with “poison”.
When serving “medicine” and by medicine I mean sharing your light and gifts with others, you can’t do so from cup full of poison.
A vessel full of poison regularly :
Gossips and speaks badly of others – this is psychic attack and it comes back to you
Curses and hexes
Spreads negativity (this is because they are feeding off the negativity)
Constantly complains, competes and compares with others
Delights in the suffering of others
Refuses to do authentic shadow work or owning up to their part in a process – there are always 2 sides to every story.
The true hero’s journey to sharing your light authentically starts with you owning where you are poisonous, so you can clean this up and become true healing medicine.
We must all do this regularly!
It sneaks up on you!
This is the power of consciousness evolution, you can stop it on it's tracks with more ease every time.
Not everyone will need your medicine, but for those that require it, it is your responsibility that it be a true healing elixir of light.
If your vessel is full of energetic poison then whatever you serve will be as well.
If you want to share your light authentically and with integrity, honour and respect, I will see you in the space.