Letting Go of Divine Feminine Titles

I let go of longing to be a Goddess, being a woman of the Earth is more than enough.

I don’t need to be called the Divine Feminine, connection to Divinity is our sacred inheritance.

I don’t need to be a Priestess, being Soul aligned is the greatest gift of all.

I don’t want to be a Medicine Woman, true medicine is Soul embodiment.

I don’t need to be a Queen, ruling over my life (my Queendom) is sufficient.

I let go of initiations and having to prove myself.

I am enough

I am worthy

I am love

And I don’t have to be anything but me, soft, feminine and free.

Embracing being just “a woman” is true healing.

There are programmes that encourage women to cling to names and titles for significance and worth… yet each title carries an energetic structure of shadow and light and initiations and contracts you may not be aware of (this is covered in Sacred Space Weaver).

Proceed with extreme caution and care. I have had to assist many to relinquish titles that they should not have been messing with and were actually causing unnecessary harm and suffering in their lives.

Titles need to be earnt and when enough healing is done, you actually don’t even want them anymore.

The wounded Soul strives for titles and uses them to mask low self worth, the healed Soul couldn't care less what they are called by others…


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