What is Soul Constellations®?
Every Soul is a unique tapestry of journeys across lifetimes. To witness the Soul’s etheric mandala for healing, reflection and growth is a blessing beyond words. Soul connection is not generally encouraged in our society yet for true healing to occur, the Soul must be anchored in the human body. A soulful life is a more fulfilling experience despite the challenges we invariable face as part of the human experience.
Soul Constellations® is inspired by Family Constellations created by Bert Hellinger. Whereas Family Constellations focuses on healing family dynamics, Soul Constellations® aims to bring remedy and resolve to our Soul’s journey and all aspects of our spiritual work. This work is true soul healing, incorporating karmic clearing and timeline reconciliation.
“Only the Soul knows what love is”
— Rumi
This potent and life changing work addresses all aspects of spiritual work with respect, ethics, integrity, compassion and love:
Incarnation decisions
Soul contracts
Soul Journeys
Soul Wounds
Soul Alignment
Spirit Guides
Spirit release work
Parallel timelines
Working with frequencies
Working with Universal Laws
Vows and contracts
Karmic patterns
Womb healing
Dream reconciliation
Galactic connection and reconciliation
And so much more…..
Soul Constellations® Practitioner Training
Includes 5 day in person training and 12 months online.
Designed to facilitate deep healing and reconciliation at a Soul and Spiritual level, this work will deepen your own Soul connection and Soul aligned path and allow you to help others in living Soul connected and enriched lives.
Pre-requisites : Sacred Space Weaver or equivalent shamanic space holding programme.
In Person : 5 days offered in Melbourne Australia and Glastonbury UK in 2025
Online : Every month x 12 months
Soul Constellations® Practitioners
Dean Benson
"Soul Constellations® Training was the pinnacle of all experiences within this lineage and has supported my journey in this life beyond words!
Getting to know my Soul on a new level has created more vibrance, inspiration and trust in my everyday life. It has also greatly improved my ability as a Spirit Weaving Practitioner, bringing missing pieces of the puzzle into the work.
My Soul was witnessed, tested, exposed, vulnerable and deeply deeply held. The Constellations that I was part of were hugely transformative to my being. The Sacred Space and the level of energetic support I felt was beyond anything I had previously experienced. A true testament to Sharon’s impeccable ability to support her students, I am so grateful and humbled to be in this lineage.
I came away from this training with strong feelings of being loved, respected, empowered and most importantly, belonging to the Tribe. The week was immensely healing for me as an individual and my heart exploded open.
To now be able to facilitate Soul Constellations is just an added bonus to the week.
Now in the months following, the work is being very well received by my clients, who are loving this additional layer to support their Soul’s journey during this incarnation.
My heart is still open, grateful and feeling more aligned to my Soul Path than ever. Thank you Sharon & The White Dragon Lineage for bringing this much needed Medicine, Magick & Wisdom to the world."
Kate Reed
Understanding ourselves and fulfilling our intended destiny in this lifetime can only be done when our Soul is truly embodied.
Soul Constellations is an advanced technology created by Sharon Bolt to access multi-dimensional aspects of self for revelation and healing at a quantum level.
This powerful modality helps us to see the unconscious programs and wounds that are running our lives and provides an avenue for authentic re-connection to our original Soul blueprint and our intended timeline in this incarnation.
Experiencing this work personally over a full week of training within a unity consciousness container was profoundly transformational across all aspects of my being.
Much was unearthed and resolved in our time together. Unconscious programs were brought to light, Soul wounds were explored and tended to with great care, alternative and parallel time-lines were reviewed and resolved, ancestral and family patterns were healed and so much more. It was a deep karmic cleanse and a precious opportunity to review my frame of reference and re-align as needed.
I understand myself on a whole new level and feel more deeply connected to my Soul plan, Source consciousness and my path in this life.
To now be able to offer this transformation modality to my community brings me so much joy. There is no greater gift as a practitioner than to assist clients to reconnect to their authentic Soul so they can live lives of meaning and purpose. This modality goes far beyond any training I have ever experienced and has shifted and grown me in ways that have a profound effect on my path in this life.
Deepest gratitude to Sharon Bolt for birthing this modality into the world. Forever grateful for you and your service to humanity, your care and compassion, your generous Spirit and your dedication to helping us grow as practitioners and beings.
With so much love, Kate.
Sara Brooke
Soul Constellations is an expansive and multi-layered modality with endless applications for 1:1 Holistic practitioners, Facilitators of group work and Ceremonialists. I love the way it brings the inner psyche and unseen realms to life and empowers participants to embrace their own abilities to tune in and collaborate with the quantum field of life and deeply connect to themselves.
Weaving this work into my 1:1 sessions has been profound. Layered with the existing foundation of the Shamanic Magician Training, Soul Constellation's is not only a brand new body of work in its own right but it has also amplified, expanded and deepened all the other Spirit Weaving + Womb Weaving work I offer in a very powerful way. I have been humbled and inspired by the shifts I have witnessed in sessions where clients have been able to make really significant transformations for themselves, their souls and their ancestral lineages.
As a facilitator it has brought in a whole new tool to really bring alive the unseen and spirit realms in a way the participants can authentically relate to. I love the range I can work with from creating really fun and playful constellations to dialing it all the way up to revealing and liberating shadow work. The applications are literally endless.
On a personal level I have found this work to be deeply transformative. I am feeling more settled within myself as I am becoming more Soul Embodied. I have clarity and remembrance around my Soul's Unique Journey and this has allowed old programs around competition, comparison and unworthiness to shift significantly. I feel inspired by life and the creativity well is bubbling over and am excited about sharing this work with others.
We live in truly extraordinary times of evolution where there are opportunities to make huge leaps forward in consciousness. Soul Constellations is a leading edge modality for these changing times."
Jo Bell Cummings
The Teacher Training and Soul Constellations® has been truly life changing. Trying to find language to describe the experience is near impossible.
This training is something that needs to be felt in order to fully comprehend the magnitude of this modality.
As I've continued to integrate, I've come to understand that this new body of work has provided the next important piece in all my years of training.
It's provided a new element and depth to my offerings and is resulting in profound shifts in my 1:1 and group sessions. Soul Constellations® is an exquisite modality - when shared within groups it fosters unity consciousness and creates unified healing. This work gets straight to the core of the issue and from here we then reweave a new timeline into creation. To have the blessing of sharing this multifaceted and intricate work in my communities, which provides true Soul connection and evolution is an enormous gift.
For me personally, through the Soul Constellation work my consciousness has greatly expanded. This modality has allowed me to explore hidden aspects of my psyche and then reach in and create the necessary Soul aligned adjustments in support of my growth. I've continued to experience transformative shifts which have rippled through all aspects of my world.
This path continues to teach and humble me to the very core of my existence - it has impacted my life in the most profound way.
It has commanded courage, self responsibility, accountability and perseverance and as a result my Soul has grown and blossomed in ways I could never have imagined.
This is by far one of the greatest journey's I could ever have committed to.
Sharon is a master of her craft and a woman of integrity, depth and honour. To have a teacher who continues to midwife my Soul with love, integrity, depth and honour is a precious and priceless gift. Sharon's work has enriched my life and blessed my lineage in magical and miraculous ways - for this I'll be forever grateful.
Alyce Mitchell
Participating in this profound soul healing experience was the cherry on top of an immensely rich 5+ year journey with Sharon through her practitioner programme. Exploring the depths of core soul wounds in a space of tribal consciousness enabled our group to access unified collective healing, raw vulnerability, creative shadow exploration, refinement of soul frequency and personal truth in a deeply compassionate and loving space.
This work has given me the opportunity to expand my consciousness by unveiling deeply hidden aspects of my psyche to find resolution with simple soul nourishing solutions, guided by supportive emotional processing and neuro-emotional reweaving, on a quantum scale. I have also experienced profound psychological shifts into acceptance, forgiveness and compassion for self, others and various situations in a tangible, physical and spiritual process.
My biggest takeaway has been the embodied soul healing and refinement of self made possible by the depth and vulnerability created in this space of tribal cooperation which I feel is fundamental for all to flourish as uniquely gifted souls having a human experience.
For those interested in exploring this work (even if solely for personal growth) I cannot recommend it enough as embodying and expanding the true frequency of your soul is what brings you home to yourself, where everything is possible.
Eloise Fielke
Being a part of the soul constellations training with Sharon was such a gift, an honour and absolutely life-changing. The deep healing that has come from this work is difficult to put into words.
What I can say is that this work ripples out and effects every aspect of your life on such a deep level. This work is about becoming a better human and raising your consciousness via true and authentic soul connection and remembrance, which of course will have profound effects on all aspects of your life.
There is no other container I have been in that has allowed me to have such deep shifts within myself, my frequency and my life, because the soul reconnection work is so deeply embodied and felt.
Learning this incredible modality that Sharon created is life-changing and you can see how many people it can support getting onto their right timeline, yet the internal effects this work has is difficult to describe.
This is a space to be vulnerable and to really learn how to work with, connect with, be authentic with and understand group energies and dynamics, so that we can step into true unity/tribal consciousness. This is a gift that will be remembered for the rest of my life.
For those looking to expand their work (whether 1:1’s or group work), or looking to connect to themselves and their soul on a deeper level, I highly recommend this training. The gift of true soul reconnection and remembrance is the greatest gift you can give to yourself, and it is truly life-changing.
This is the most transformative container I have been in to date, and I know that the shifts from it will continue to reverberate out throughout my life. Thankyou so much Sharon Bolt and the spirits of the White Dragon Lineage, for bringing this life-changing, transformational work to humanity, there is nothing quite like it, and I am a better person for having experienced it.
Bianca Jewell
After 6 years of training, embodying and integrating all of the spiritual teachings that I have received from Sharon, the soul constellations training was the epitome of it all.
It is hard to articulate the enormity of this body of work that saw us come together in unity consciousness for 5 days to explore our soul wounds, soul blocks and our shadow aspects as our souls reweaved new timelines, healed ancestral karmic wounds as we all discovered an inner courage to walk through the gateway of soul alignment.
As I continue to learn how to surrender to the impermanence of life, the constant and unwavering contraction and expansion, I have experienced profound inner child healing, self-acceptance on a soul level and have been able to let go and release entrenched wounds and patterns of behaviour that other therapies have not been able to reach.
It has now been 6 months since completing the soul constellations training and the integration and unfoldment continues. The enormity of the influence that this training would have on my life was unfathomable at the time when I attended the 5 days of training.
The veil of illusion has been lifted in terms of how I see myself as I am now able to see myself with a softer, honest and more truthful lens that is shrouded in compassion, beauty and love.
I have been completely transformed by this training as I step into a balance of strength and softness, inner power with humbleness. An embodiment of a wise woman.
To birth such an epic, powerful and life changing new modality and then deliver it with love, grace, wisdom and humility is only done by someone who has navigated this path as a true warrior.
My heart and soul will continue to receive the many blessings that I not only received from Sharon, but also from the reconciliation journey that the tribal soul pod group held for each other and continues to do.
This training will expand your level of consciousness, extrapolate your uniqueness and command self-responsibility as you navigate walking a true soul aligned path.
it is both challenging and beautiful at the same time. It is such a precious gift to give yourself and your lineage.
I am excited to introduce soul constellations into my body of work, but for now I am still immersed in all that is still unfolding as I continue on the path of self-discovery.
Forever grateful.
Soul Constellations® Testimonials
Lynn Hebblethwaite
Soul Constellations Participant
The Soul on Fire retreat was one of the best things I've done for myself. This was an incredible soul nourishing experience.
The venue was beautiful, we were blessed with good weather so working outside in the gardens was perfect. The group that gathered were wonderful and the space holding exquisite. The constellations exercises we were taken through were easy to understand and appeared simple but were deeply transformational. I felt safe, held, seen and loved at all points during the weekend. I have been singing ever since and have returned to everyday life rejuvenated and motivated. I loved it so much I want to learn how to facilitate Soul Constellations. Much love and gratitude to all the participants, the supporting spirits and the team.
Soul Constellations Participant
It's taken me a few days to get my head around what happened at the weekend, and to be honest, I am not sure I am quite there yet! There is one word that does come close to describing how I feel though and that's WOWSERS!
This weekend has been an extremely moving experience for me. Having never done any soul work before, and not really knowing a huge amount of what was actually involved, I was blown away by the connections that we were able to make and how, within the safe container that we produced, we were able to connect with our deepest desires, hopes and dreams. I am still mind blown by the fact that with the right attitude and approach we can connect on a soul level in such a beautiful way - why isn't everyone more in tune with their souls, the world would be a kinder, more beautiful place if we were!
Thank you for organising such a wonderful workshop, I can only imagine how much hard work went into this arranging this weekend.
I'll sign off by saying thank you for such a wonderful weekend; for the opportunity to open my eyes to wonderful possibilities and enabling me to make beautiful connections with some beautiful souls who have now gone on to become friends.
Emily Allen
Soul Constellations Participant
“Thank you for allowing all parts of me to be safe and seen in your presence. I feel as though all of me is ok. All of me is welcome. This is one of your gifts that you have given me. I feel more at peace with all the parts of me.”
I wanted to write to you while my heart is full. So much gratitude for you and your impeccable team. I feel so privileged to have been in such a pristine container. Witnessing you .
I felt sooooo safe and soooo held. I felt genuine love and compassion in the space for me and for us all. It’s as though we were held in love.
I loved how you made every thing so light and fun and joyful. A true master of energy. A true master.
Somehow the work felt easy almost effortless even though it was so personal , so intimate and we were being so vulnerable. Laterally baring our souls to each other. Yet It felt so easy , so safe , so straight forward.
It’s only when the container opened at the end did I realise I was in a container and how pristine it was.
I am not used to the subtlety of a clean container. It was only when it ended did I catch a glimpse of your mastery.
Thank you for allowing all parts of me to be safe and seen in your presence. I feel as though all of me is ok. All of me is welcome. This is one of your gifts that you have given me. I feel more at peace with all the parts of me.
Thank you Sharon.
Charlotte Caldow
Soul Constellations Participant
“I have felt safe, seen and held enough, all in a non-judgemental way, despite my various flaws, to be able to grow into a better version of myself. What more can someone ask for really?”
I have been lucky enough to have learned from Sharon for over 10 years now. During that time, I went from a soul-searching, lost party-girl backpacker to becoming a much more grounded, peaceful, and capable person. It's an ongoing journey, but I truly believe a big part of the reason why I have been able to do that is because of Sharon and her teachings.
The many gold nuggets of techniques to better deal with other people, connect to what’s important and most of all to learn to love all aspects of yourself have, over time, allowed me to be a happier, healthier and more successful person than I ever would have managed without the support - and kind way she has of delivering hard truths. I would say she has been instrumental to my growth and that I am truly a better person for knowing her. I have also witnessed some really amazing and transformational experiences during the workshops and ceremonies. I can honestly say I have never come away from one feeling anything other than uplifted and with a much better understanding than when I started. And I've been to a lot over the years. It's not easy to look at things sometimes, but I have felt safe, seen and held enough, all in a non-judgemental way, despite my various flaws, to be able to grow into a better version of myself. What more can someone ask for really?
The space is also impeccable. You will feel it and notice how everything flows smoothly. Despite the sometimes heavy topics, the proceedings are peppered with kindness and laughter so that you can move through some of the tougher stuff that comes up. I've seen some magical things take place that have genuinely made my heart sing. It's such a nourishing experience to be around people who are authentic and carry themselves through life with integrity. And whilst she's not perfect, the fact she owns that just makes me respect her even more, not only for who she is as a person but also what she manages to achieve when holding space to help people. That's why I have stayed for so long and have wanted to keep learning, and I will continue to do so. I thank the Universe for letting me find such a powerful mentor when I did. If you're feeling the call to do the work, don't let your fears hold you back. I trusted my gut, and I'm so glad that I did. I am forever grateful and continue to be inspired every time I participate. Thank you really just doesn't cut it sometimes.
Joanna Southgate
Soul Constellations Participant
“None of us expected the depth of healing that this work has brought to us along with how much we laughed even though we all cried so much too.”
Blown away by the Soul Constellations® work!
Thank you so much Sharonboltmagick for bringing this all to way to Glastonbury....we were not disappointed after the long wait! It's been a remarkable weekend.
None of us expected the depth of healing that this work has brought to us along with how much we laughed even though we all cried so much too.
I cannot wait for next year’s workshop and training.
Thank you to everyone that attended, old and new faces. I'm humbled by your courage and contributions and I'm honoured to have witnessed you. You were all so much fun!
Cristina Mascolo
Soul Constellations Participant
“I feld held, safe and part of the group from the first minute you started the Soul Constellation weekend”
Thank you so much that I could attend the Soul Constellation weekend. I feel so blessed and grateful that I could be part of such an amazing, vulnerable and loving group! Added to this, I could witness you and your dream team holding such a clean and safe space. You showed us that what you teach us in the Sacred Space Weaver is what you embody 100 %.
I feld held, safe and part of the group from the first minute you started the Soul Constellation weekend. Being the outsider is a huge pattern in my life and was probably the big fear I had after I signed up that might have caused that resistance - and the feeling and thought loops, that I had again to cancel my participation. However, I am sooo thankful I didn't follow the ego voice but rather sticked to my soul voice.
Having done a couple of family constellations in the past I thought it might be similar. What I experienced in these two days is beyond what I thought could be possible. So much healing, so much love, so much laughter, so many tears that helped release - and all that on a soul level. This work is next level and can't be compared with any family constellation, no matter how good the facilitator might be...
Thank you for your loving energy and sacred space you held. Thank you for your effort to come to the UK and offer this precious container. Thank you for the safe and healing space you created.
It took me a couple of days to integrate but it is landing more and more and I am just filled with joy and love, inner peace and calmness - in another way, I haven't felt before. I also observed that my understanding of the world and the programs shifted. I notice that when I am having chats with friends.
Much love and blessings to you, your spirit team and your soul!
Irene Ward
Soul Constellations Participant
I met Sharon in August 2024 when I travelled to Glastonbury to participate in a Soul Constellations weekend. I discovered a teacher and space holder of the highest level of skill and integrity, who carries her skills, wisdom and capacity lightly, humbly and with humour.
I saw Sharon work very hard that weekend, the content all killer, no filler! She and her team were totally focused on the group, available and present, working us hard and with space for fun and laughs too.
I found Sharon to be a inspiring teacher , one that I wanted to study with more and one from whom I knew I would learn much that would enhance and develop my work.
I signed up for Sacred Space Weaver online - this is like a masters degree in spirit work.
I particularly appreciated the integrity that we were held in - in how Sharon respects and honours the spirit realm and reminded and taught us how to proceed with gratitude and reverence, and to develop strong relationships that take time with the spirits of everything - the land, the plants, the ancestors. To be careful not to ride roughshod into spirit work, picking and mixing willy nilly. Instead to be respectful of cultural lineage , to give back , not to be persistently extractive.
Such a great training, such rich content, beautifully held.
I will continue to be Sharon’s student, looking forward to in person training in Soul Constellations in May.
Thank you Sharon for your years of dedication to honing your skills, learning from your mistakes, growing your wisdom and distilling it all into these wonderful trainings that ripple out into the world in service of healing for the highest good and from a place of grace and grit.
Soul Constellations® Practitioner Training
Includes 5 day in person training and 12 months online.
Designed to facilitate deep healing and reconciliation at a Soul and Spiritual level, this work will deepen your own Soul connection and Soul aligned path and allow you to help others in living Soul connected and enriched lives.
Pre-requisites : Sacred Space Weaver or equivalent shamanic space holding programme.
In Person : 5 days offered in Melbourne Australia and Glastonbury UK in 2025
Online : Every month x 12 months