A Practitioner’s Responsibility to the Soul of the Client

As practitioners we need to be aware and conscious of the power people give us and learn how to wield it with integrity to then hand them back their own power, but divinely transformed.

Normally when people come to spirituality, they are looking for answers, healing, a career change and/or a deeper connection to Self and Spirit. Or they may be doing it for “shadow” or unconscious reasons eg following a trend. Unfortunately, just like in any industry, there are people who practice with a lack of consciousness and awareness.

The average person has little to no discernment or the ability to assess if something is right for their Soul. They can’t distinguish between marketing hype and authenticity. And it is precisely because of this absence of discernment and lack of inner trust and self connection, that people give their power away. We have all done it. Once we heal this pattern, we must assist others.

As Spiderman said, "With great power comes great responsibility" And this could not be more truthful.

The temptation to coerce or persuade clients into choosing courses and programmes is palpable across the board. This is indeed becoming very easy to do as people are either gullible or desperate for their perceived “problem or challenge” to go away.

However, in spirituality there should be absolutely no coercion or persuasion.

Our job as practitioners is to always do what is best for their Soul.

This means, if someone is not right for our work, let them go.

Don’t hang on because you have a quota to fill. Your Soul will be happier, their Soul will be happier and it's win/win for all.


Astral Spaces vs. Higher Realm spaces


Be the Best at Being in Service as a Spirit Worker