Be the Best at Being in Service as a Spirit Worker

From “I am the best” (aka “I am the sh!t”) to “I am the best at being in service” – An Initiatory Rite of Passage

When as spirit workers we start getting great results and our clinic is booked out, we may become seduced by shadow beings and we start to think “hey, I am the best at this”. By then our ego has exploded...

However, what most fail to understand is that spirit workers are meant to be humble channels for Spirit, and unfortunately, due to lack of authentic teachers that bring awareness to spiritual etiquette and tell it like it is in trainings, we inadvertently carry on thinking and being this way. 

We then become the archetypal wounded healer.

We may also vacillate between “I am the best” and “I am no good”, a perpetual swingdue to lack of ego training and awareness.

If your spirit team and ancestors love you, you will then experience “the great humbling" (thanks Sara Brooke for this term).

You then realise you were borrowing power and energy you haven't really earned(very common in plant medicine spaces) and are actually a beginner with either no idea or very little psychic and energetic awareness.

This humbling experience can show up in a number of ways, be it as a challenge in a personal or family matter, issues with clients, financial struggles, etc. you name it. This is so that you wake up from your egoic slumber. Some can connect the cause and effect dots, others can't and continue carrying on as is.

I have experienced all of the above and much more. 

It is during this difficult time that I notice a lot of spirit workers quit – they decide to do something else, whereby coaching seems to be the next most chosen option or else, whichever is the latest trend (currently nervous system work).

Truth is, if you are going to be doing healing and energy work, a therapeutic qualification is highly recommended. This helps you grow in willpower and focus, plus acquiring new invaluable skills.

I wish someone had told me when I started – “you will never truly know what you are meant to be doing until you work on your wounds and shadows and take the time and effort to connect to your Soul”.

This is why people jump from thing to thing - how can they choose from a centred place if they don't know who they are.

No doubt "the great humbling" comes to shows us how little we know. It is a death and rebirth of Phoenix medicine calling us to step up properly into trust, surrender and authentic service or get out of the kitchen (pun intended).

Sometimes we go through this humbling process countless times as our tendency is to be stubborn and refuse to unlearn, learn and even re-learn.

That’s ok, we must make the effort to have a "beginner's mindset" at all times. And of course, be grateful to our ancestors and spirit guides for being so patient with us.

It is essential that authentic spirit workers go through many initiatory rites and one of the best ways of managing the "great humbling" and all the initiations is by having a mentor.

I get calls all the time from participants telling me how amazing our accredited teachers are at space holding and I say, “Indeed, they are gifted. However, don’t underestimate their level of commitment of ongoing training and supervision for 6 years with a mentor breathing down their neck”.

Great spirit workers are not born, they are trained with intense but rewarding "spiritual fire".

So yes, always aim to be the best, but particularly with this type of work be the best at being in service.

My special gift is that of King/Queen Maker – so if you are ready to step up, I would love to welcome you in the space.

Inspired by a conversation with Joanna Southgate.

Image - Elvin Queen by Anita Hubbard.


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