Astral Spaces vs. Higher Realm spaces

The minute you invoke, call in, petition or conjure the following into a space, you open up a spiritual portal and thus create an astral space:

• A spirit (plant, elemental, crystal, animal etc)

• An angel

• A galactic being

• An element – air, fire, earth, water

• An archetype (including Tarot cards)

• A deity

• A "god" or “goddess”

An astral space is highly activating, it can become addictive as you flood the energy of the space with lower astral beings. Unless you have done and understand the repercussions of the work or have been trained in managing spiritual energies, more often than not the lower astral beings that join the space include shadow/malevolent and energy harvesting beings.

Yes, you may get a more benevolent energy, but it is unlikely as they tend to be picky with the types of spaces they join (the space must be a frequency match). Good intentions in space holding is not enough to keep a pristine space.

In an astral space, people will have cathartic experiences and an adrenal high. They will also have spiritual chaos moving forward, extreme ups and downs in life and a need for the next “spiritual” high at the local cacao disco.

Yes, Soul healing can occur, but it’s the equivalent of going to a backstreet clinic vs a top hospital.

There is also a merry go round of unpredictable chaotic energy that goes hand-in-hand with these type of spaces.

I know, I have been there and so have all my clients. We all start there - astral spaces are addictive and the beings that take part can also hook into you and continue calling you back, even to other countries. I once had a client that kept getting called back to a specific retreat centre in Peru, as soon as the hook was removed in the session, the “calling” stopped.

A higher realm space in contrast feels deeply different. It is calmer, peaceful and the frequency is much higher. This takes a while to acclimatise to as it may even feel like nothing is happening until you develop your subtle energy bodies enough to feel how much is actually occurring.

It’s the purest version of psychic surgery and it’s long lasting magick. It took me 20 years of training (Taoism, shamanism, various therapies) and deep inner work to create higher realm spaces where true Soul healing and transformation can occur.

Both spaces have their place, I tend to think of astral spaces as junk food – addictive and fun, and higher realm spaces like healthy food. It may take a while to get used to but once you appreciate the difference, it’s hard to go back to Mc New Age café.

It is my passion to train others to create these deeply healing spaces as they are rare in the collective and much needed.

If you would like to offer your community, clients or participants authentic spiritual spaces, or even for your own self, I look forward to seeing you in the space.


When it Feels Like Spirit Has Abandoned You


A Practitioner’s Responsibility to the Soul of the Client