Answering The Call to Spiritual Work

Through my work training spiritual workers and practitioners on holding pristine energetic spaces, I speak with A LOT of people who have felt the pull or the call to delve into spiritual work.

Whilst some find it challenging to answer that call, others find it all too easy and leap before cultivating the proper foundations.

It is when the Soul awakens to the dimension of Spirit that we begin to feel that pull.

Many times the journey towards answering that call is fraught with resistance and blockages to progress. I regularly see the 2 extremes of the ego flaring up when people start to heed the call from Spirit.

On one hand the ego can convince us that we are actually not spiritually gifted, not worthy of stepping up and holding space for others, to the point that it can cripple us with fear of judgement, fear of persecution and ostracization from our friends, families and society.

Spiritual wounding is a real thing and when we hear the call of our Soul, it is a clear sign that is in need of healing. Despite how much fear and resistance we hold inside of us, we must overcome it.

I am very aware and very sensitive to this fear in new practitioners, which is why I teach space holding mastery at all levels of experience.

Many beginners and some young enthusiastic people have come through the doors of Sacred Space Weaver and found themselves much more capable and confident in their ability to actually heed the assignment they are being called to by Spirit.

On the other hand, the Ego can also easily manage to convince us that we already know it all, that we are super gifted and “above” training in space-holding.

I have spoken with and mentored many experienced spiritual workers who have been doing this for years who have had the courage and maturity to actually admit that they need this work.

However, they tend to do so just after ‘Sh*t has hit the fan’ and they are experiencing a crisis in their business, their health or their energy.

No one and nothing to blame here. We all tend to have this behaviour which has unfortunately become a trend nowadays of asking for help when the house is on fire.

Proactiveness pays off, and it does very well. So, why wait until the house burns down?

Do you recognise yourself in any of these patterns? I do, I have played out both in my journey.

I have over 25 years of training and experience in this work and I STILL learn and train.

And when I do, I aim to do it with a beginner's mindset.

Working with Spirit is about humility and continued practice and refinement of our skills, there is absolutely no shame in ongoing learning.

So as gifted spirit workers and space-holders as you may be, you also need a space that can HOLD you.

This is of paramount importance for your own well-being and ultimately the efficacy and potency of your work.

I am holding a masterclass on the "Things I wish I had been told before becoming a Space Holder" on the 6th of June.

For details and registration click here.


The Power of Transmissions


When it Feels Like Spirit Has Abandoned You