The Power of Transmissions

When I first started studying with different schools in my mid 20s, I had limited funds and so did some of my friends.  So we would take turns doing different courses and then “teach” each other the material. 

I didn’t even realise how out of integrity this was, to say the least.  We thought we were being “clever” but instead we were being stupid and it kept us broke longer than necessary

But why? 

Any type of copy, theft or replication without permission, informs our subconscious mind that we “can’t afford it” and/or that "we can't create, produce or reveal our very own light" and so it will keep you in an endless loop of poverty consciousness (physical and/or spiritual) until you stop. 

Stealing makes you feel lack, unsafe, and in many cases even fearful.  And as silly and crazy as this may sound, the sole fact of "borrowing" someone else's streaming password also triggers this consciousness!


Fast forward 20 years and none of the stuff we "taught" to each other stuck, even though the material was great.  In fact none of us have even used the material. And even if we had tried, we would not have been able to put it together appropriately.  This is because:


  • There was short circuit of energy exchange. This happens because either there is a lack in the receiving or the giving end which unequivocally causes an imbalance. When this happens, the material doesn’t “land” in our energy fields and if it does, it becomes corrupted and distorted as it came from poverty consciousness.


  • There was no transmission – transmissions are non-negotiable in spiritual work.  Only via transmission from the original teacher or accredited teachers can we experience the full power of the work.  This is because the original spirits that created the work are fully present and evolving the work allowing us to receive it at a true spiritual level.   

    When work is manipulated, copied or stolen, it can only be shared at a “mental” level, so it never lands for those that steal it or those that receive the copied material.  


Anyone remember copying notes in school for example? Well, same thing here and in any other field. It can never be embodied as it doesn’t have a spiritual blessing. 

The spirit world has amazing gatekeepers, everyone that I have witnessed stealing work always ends up being spiritually corrupted (they don’t even realise as they can’t connect spiritual dots), as it is so far removed from its original source, it’s more likely to cause a curse than a blessing.   

This is like drinking ultra pasteurized milk which has gone through a number of "recycling" processes, it looks like “milk” but there are hardly any or zero nutrients in it. No one wants pasteurized milk.  You want it directly from the source to get all the benefits!


  • We were not acting with integrity – this is non-negotiable in Spirit work so that you receive the work at a Soul level

This is of critical  importance. I learnt my lesson the hard way as most of us do.  It’s so easy to slip as we all want everything to be unchallenging and free.  I share it here in case any of you are doing the same thing.  I will always choose transmission from the original teacher over copying, pasting and dodgy sharing.


It was only when I chose to continue to clean up my spiritual integrity, do the honest self-work and learn how to listen that I got the green light to channel my Soul and Ancestral wisdom.  It’s a never ending process.


If you want to feel like all of your work is getting a "palo santo integrity cleanse" (words by a participant), I will see you with much love in Sacred Space Weaver.


Menopause Mania


Answering The Call to Spiritual Work