When it Feels Like Spirit Has Abandoned You

“Sharon – I seem to have lost my magick / spiritual gifts !!! What is going on??”

After the high of a period of intense spiritual connections and “downloads”, it can feel like Spirit has abandoned you when you no longer receive regular messages.

This is when people panic.

It is important not to force the connection and to remain calm.

The biggest mistake you can do is to work with shadow beings out of desperation in order to maintain any kind of connection to the “other”.

Shadow beings (demons etc.) will take advantage of your situation and swoop in masquerading as light when they realise you are starving for connection outside of yourself.

This situation is actually really common and rarely spoken about publicly and there is not a one size fits all answer. However, will share the top 3 reasons so that it helps those of you going through this.

1. Your vessel cannot hold any more spiritual information – if you receive another drop of spiritual information or have another adrenalin (especially with yang spirits) infused encounter you may blow a fuse, and so Spirit will seem to be withdrawing but in reality you are being protected.

We are always supported, however it is time to for you to integrate what you have received and focus on strengthening your body and energy field before the next stage of your consciousness evolution.

It’s time to “chop wood, carry water” and integrate consciously.

How you respond to this will help determine your character and sincerity to doing the real work. By not sending you messages, your spirit allies are letting you rest and just be.

Avoid going to “fortune” tellers. Prioritise self care. Just like Mother Earth has seasons, so does our spiritual journey.

Sometimes a quiet winter is just what we need.

I once had a 9 month winter were I didn’t do much, just rested, watched True Blood, drank coffee and walked on the beach. After that the connections came back stronger then ever.

It's ok to take time off.

2. Cause and effect in action – this is a yellow or even red card from the Universe asking you to stop a certain action or behaviour in your spiritual journey.

If you cannot connect the dots then seek spiritual support from someone who has experience with this.

You may be misusing your gifts or violating Universal Laws and this needs to be addressed before you can continue.

I have seen so many people ignore the yellow cards and continue out of desperation.

They refuse to see how they are causing their own chaos and even refer to the mess as “initiations”, “miracles” etc. This is when the person is completely delusional and will choose to go off path and hand their lives to dark magic in order to keep going with the façade.

I have seen spiritual "teachers" continue as they are too addicted to their lies and won't share the truth of their situation. This is much more common than you may realise.

3. Remember you cannot “lose” who you are, the gifts are within you. This is a call to go within and learn how to connect differently. This is sometimes an initiation in itself.

I remember going through a massive detox for months as I weaned myself off a certain way of connecting to learn how to connect from within.

You are being called to greater service and so you must go through a period of death and rebirth and claiming your gifts from within and stopping all external validation, from others and even from Spirit.

Last but not least, if the only way you can connect is via psychoactives or microdosing, wean yourself off asap.

I have also been through this process and I couldn’t recommend it enough.

A plant has an overall agenda and filter and your work will always have that layer.

We all have filters but I would rather it be the filter of my own Soul than anything else. If you cannot connect without microdosing, it's time to do the real work.

All the above are massive rites of passage on our spiritual journey and can be addressed with kindness, ease and grace.

I share how to build authentic energetic structures and solid foundations across all my work. I look forward to seeing you in the space.


Answering The Call to Spiritual Work


Astral Spaces vs. Higher Realm spaces