Are you Banking with Source or with the Matrix?

I do a fair amount of business mentoring and this week quite a few of my clients are having what I can only describe as an entrepreneur “tantrum”….

This is perfectly normal, entrepreneurship is not for everyone, it’s rewarding but also challenging and demanding. You have to have a great amount of drive, self belief and very thick skin.

However, there is an additional challenge conscious (by conscious I mean guided by the principles of Universal Law) spiritual entrepreneurs face – the skills of the spirit worker and those of a business entrepreneur are typically very different.

Most of the time the former struggles with marketing. Those that find it easy are generally more marketers than actual spirit workers or they tend to have a marketing team. I have yet to meet someone who is equally competent at both.

As a spiritual entrepreneur you need to make a choice – are you banking with Source or with the Matrix?

The fine point of differentiation basically lies when you are committed to an integral business that does NOT:

  • Speak to the wound on a constant basis.

  • Use glamour magic and spell casting to attract clients.

  • Use fake promises to attract clients.

  • Take advantage of people’s naivety, lack of power and soul hunger to get them to sign up for things.

  • Work with shadow beings to harvest the energy of the participants. FYI – the shadow beings pay very well. You are either banking with Source or with the Matrix. Working with higher realm spirits takes a lot more time and is harder as you have to earn it. Shadow beings work with anyone.

  • Copy what other people are doing and pass it off as your own. This is Soul theft by the way.

  • Run a business based on this inverted reality with no comprehension of Universal Laws.

  • Use AI to create content. If you are a spiritual business you must be working with Spirit not AI.

If you are NOT doing ANY of the above in your spiritual business you are a true conscious business unicorn and I am delighted you exist. In fact, this is so rare, I would love to get to know who you are, even if it is just online.

One of the integral teachings we conduct, is to advise our participants to advertise with consciousness and awareness as to the work they are to bestow.

Important to bear in mind that in spirit work, we don’t promise anything as it's between you, your Soul and your spirit team. The spirit world is non-linear, meaning that because time is non-existent, the results may manifest in a matter of minutes or in another lifetime.

What I can attest and happily share is that participants that have done the work have healed massive lineage wounds, reconnected to their Souls and true calling and to top it off, are sharing their spiritual gifts with integrity, honour and respect.

This is priceless and what this world desperately needs.
Witnessing this is an honour and one of most beautiful blessings.

If you are conscious you are going to have a harder time selling your services to communities that are eager for instant gratifications, the "I want it all now" attitude. For example, if I were to release a workshop called Kundalini Money Awakening – get rich via your chakras it would sell out in 24 hours. Snake oil is easier to sell, it always has been.

It is by the grace of Spirit that people find us, we must trust that Soul contracts will be honoured and those that are meant to receive our work will gracefully do so.

Being of service is an honour and we are here ready to help Souls during one of the greatest and perhaps most challenging times in history.


Healing the Wounded Maiden in Sacred Spaces


Serving Your Soul Medicine from a Clean Cup