Serving Your Soul Medicine from a Clean Cup

If your Soul chooses to be a vessel for Spirit, you must answer the call.

You are now responsible for serving your Soul medicine authentically, whether it be cacao, reiki, kinesiology, crystals, flower essences etc. in a clean cup. Whether it is medicine or poison is completely dependent on the state of your spiritual vessel and your consciousness.


If you want to serve a clean cup of your medicine and energy, you need to do so without an agenda, ego, manipulation or control. You need to go through the process of cleansing your physical vessel and energetic bodies of wounds, shadows, entities, projections, negative programmes etc. so that you can serve the highest vibrational medicine directly from your Soul.

This takes time, training and perseverance.

This is the non-sexy work, this is what I share with others and it’s always an ongoing process.

We must stay vigilant with shadows, unconscious negative programmes, thoughts, and desires when doing Spirit work.

Spirit work is so much more than an oracle card and a crystal in a session or group event.

The upper realms are calling for greater diligence, accountability, and sharing of authentic spirituality.

Too many times I have drunk from poison cups of facilitators and clinicians that cast negative curses, spells and evil eye in their cups (offerings), consciously or unconsciously.

I have also shared unclean cups from lack of experience and awareness. Once I realised, I vowed never to do that again.

A true Soul healer needs to serve from a clean cup and needs to learn how to share their offering in the appropriate dose – you can have too much of a good thing!

A dedicated Soul healer does the inner work, serves medicine Soul to Soul and knows how to keep a soul hospital (clinic, group space) clean so that participants can receive authentic spiritual healing in their spaces. A true Soul healer also knows how to work with the delivery of their medicine (cacao, reiki, kinesiology, flower essences) in an integral and sacred way so that it is not corrupted.


I love sharing protocols for all of this and when you work with these templates, you will be privileged to witness authentic healing taking place in the lives of your participants and magick that just keeps working and working, long after the session is completed.

This is because spirit work is non-linear and when set up diligently, it will keep working in no time until the person’s Soul requests completion of the process.

This is true magick.

Serving from a pure vessel of awareness and expanded consciousness is non-negotiable in my life.

If you are called to share your authentic Soul medicine cleanly, without agendas and with an open heart, and you are ready to see authentic results from your sessions, I very much look forward to seeing you in Sacred Space Weaver.


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