Awakening: “Is What is Happening to me Normal?”

I regularly hear from people on their awakening journey and the number 1 question I am asked is “Is what is happening to me normal?”….. 99.9% of the time it is!  

All humans go through very similar processes in their awakening journey.  I shared this little piece on threads.

“No one said awakening was easy. Awakening is not like a “career” path with a line going upwards (that’s a fallacy too).

It’s a messy, exhilarating, confronting process that will bring up all your stuff.

Stop trying to put it in a box and control it.

That only makes it worse. Embrace that you are changing and that with change comes every spectrum of emotion 🌈”

Awakening can sometimes make us feel even more disconnected as our previous life just doesn’t make sense anymore and we are not sure how to proceed. 

It can bring up a sense of loss as we let of our old identity and egoic structures, and grieve the loss of everything that can’t continue with us on our journey.  This may include some friends, family members, habits, hobbies, belief systems etc.

It takes a great amount of courage to stay true to yourself.  It takes faith to boldly move forward.

We are also unsure of how to proceed and may even feel resentful or angry towards our old selves and our previous unconscious actions and decisions. 

This is where the ongoing process of self forgiveness is key.  We cannot truly forgive anyone else until we have forgiven ourselves.  We cannot move forward cleanly on our path until we forgive our previous journey.

I invite you to forgive yourself daily for the next couple of weeks and notice the softening in your body and especially your heart, of this gentle self care practice.

Every morning and every night before bed repeat “I lovingly forgive myself and release the past now” and notice which situations, incidents, people or traumas your subconscious shares with you as you embark on a journey of self forgiveness. 

Forgive yourself for everything that comes up – the times you let yourself be picked on, the times you didn’t stand up for yourself, the times you gave away your power, the times you sabotaged yourself. 

Forgive it all – on the other side of full self forgiveness is acceptance of who you are.  Once acceptance is locked in, self love can be truly nurtured.

Self love cannot grow on unforgiving soil (soul).


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The Leaky Facilitator or Therapist