The Leaky Facilitator or Therapist

The EGO is leaky and uncontained, the SOUL is contained and shares with love.

Energetic leakiness has its roots in trauma and we leak energy when we haven’t found our internal power and haven’t had any energetic training.

Leakiness is when we can’t contain our own energy or energetic process and we “leak” it all over our clients and spaces. Our own energetic sludge hinders the client or participant’s’ healing process.

We may leak any of the following in a myriad of ways:

• Sexual energy

• Our wounds eg. our need for validation, control etc.

• Our shadows

• Our programming

• Negative spirits

• Toxic thought forms

• Trauma

• Aspects of our life - by oversharing on social media it may actually damage the energetic structure of what we are sharing

• Our clients processes - posting pictures of our clients emotional processes online is a common example. We leak their process as we can’t contain our own energy.

• Our “spiritual” work - oversharing spiritual work which may result in negative spiritual energies working with us.

"As within, so without" (Hermes Trismegistus - Universal Law).

Therefore, our own energetic leakiness, consciously or unconsciously, may show up in our lives as leaky:

• Clients - they are always an energetic match!

• Finances - money comes in and immediately goes out, we don’t have the container to hold wealth

• Relationships - people demanding more of your time and energy then warranted

• Clinic - a rollercoaster of client numbers being up and down, spiritual interference in clinic we are not aware of

• Spiritual practice - spirits invited in to your space that are not benevolent and that begin to cause chaos in your life and that of your clients and participants

• Spiritual containers and spaces - so leaky everyone and their dog knows what is going on in them to the detriment of participants

Unfortunately, this is so common people actually can’t recognise it due to lack of self-awareness.

Bedside manners may be taught in some therapy trainings but not to the level that they should be. Bedside manners only count when the right consciousness and energetics are also there.

It is rare to find non leaky therapists and facilitators. Genuine healing happens in grounded and contained spaces whereby your clients and participants feel safe enough to finally drop.

The EGO is leaky and uncontained, the SOUL is contained and shares with love.

To heal a leaky energetic structure we start with healing our Souls and allowing ourselves to receive adequate training.

This is what we teach inside Sacred Space Weaver.

The new era requires us to embody the healer who is healed, sealed, clean.

We must learn to cultivate an expanded capacity in order to energetically contain many clients in a safe manner.

Healers are being asked now to cultivate their own energetic container to be able to serve at a higher level.

We can address this in multiple ways that have proven results within our Sacred Space Weaver container. This program is a must for anyone working with one to one clients, wanting to become a space holder up to and including veteran healers who have been in business for decades.

If you feel the call and are ready to open up, we would be delighted to see you in the space.


Awakening: “Is What is Happening to me Normal?”


Teacher/Student Dynamics