Being a Vessel for Spirit Work

Over the last few weeks I have been burning notes from previous trainings and on the weekend I packed up the remainder of my books from the last 25 years of non stop study which included qualifications in kinesiology (3 different schools), NLP, hypnotherapy, chi kung, shamanism and other spirit work.

There were tears to acknowledge the long journey I had undertaken and also relief.

I am no longer defined by a modality. I am grateful for these modalities as they increased my awareness and gifted me a lot of skills, but I outgrew working in set ways many years ago. It was time for the physical remnants to go.

I ran a clinic for 7 years before finding authentic Spirit work. I had a thriving clinic (no mean feat before social media when clinics only grew by word of mouth) and at the time I thought I was working with Spirit. I had no idea I was merely “playing”, naively following the same regurgitated new age protocols everyone gives you. These don’t really work until you do the inner work required and go through real initiations into the spirit realms.

When I finally realised that I was merely on the edge of the ocean and learnt how to swim to the depths of Spirit work, my clinic transformed into a clinic of ongoing miracles, deep Soul healing and magical outcomes that surprise and delight me daily.

I was no longer “doing” the work, I became a vessel for Spirit to do the work through me.

This way of working is our DNA birthright.

Becoming a vessel for true Spirit work is the greatest gift you can give your Self, your lineage (ancestors and descendants), your clients and the collective.

If you want an initiation into becoming a true vessel of consciousness, I look forward to working with you at Sacred Space Weaver.

Thank you to my dear friend Kate Reed for interviewing me for The Sister Circles Community on Sacred Space Weaver, you can find the interview here.


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