Why Your ‘White Light’ Visualisation is Curtailing Your Healing

White Light as a protective mechanism is pretty much present in every workshop I have ever attended.

Does it work? Yes, but it’s effectiveness depends on the person's ability to connect to the highest realms of light and their openness to receive this light.

It also depends on the person’s individual relationship to Prime Creator / God/Goddess / Universe (whichever resonates with you).

A lot of us feel unworthy of holding pure light or can’t even imagine that Source is always there to pour its light over us and protect us.

White light is made up of all the colour spectrums, each has its own spirit and frequency and when we are fully connected to our own Soul, we can interact with light and it’s corresponding consciousness in a completely new way. In fact, Light can and should actually become an ally.

So your first line of protection is not “White Lighting” your aura, it’s the strength of your Soul and it’s connection to Source.

It’s the animistic journey of learning to embody and befriend light.

This is key because white light that is not worked with correctly may have the opposite effect of attracting more negative spirits to you. It could cause a short circuit!

To work with a colour ray – whether it be white or another colour:

• Ask for permission – May I work with you White Light Colour Ray?

• If yes, then breathe in that colour, breathe out any resistance of feelings of unworthiness you may have

• Ask the colour ray how it wants to work with you? Perhaps it’s not for protection but healing or creativity

These are some animism basics that are covered and expanded on most of the work that I share.

The Wheel of Ascension programme I created works with colour rays consciously, with honour and respect. This is taught by 3 accredited teachers with their own magick and embodied experience.

Let’s establish a true relationship with the Light.


Being a Vessel for Spirit Work


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