Why I Don’t Share Copy and Paste Rituals Online or via Email
People ask me to share rituals with them all the time, I know that I am probably missing a trick by not using rituals as a “lead magnet”. However, I don’t believe in nor recommend cut and paste rituals.
Rituals in a live ceremony or container are different, they have been co-created with the ceremony spirit leads and curated with the participants in mind. Everyone in the space is aware of the spirits that have been invited in.
For your own self work, I believe in sharing with you how you can create your own rituals by tapping and aligning to your innate magick first whilst establishing the correct energetic pathways that resonate with yourself.
Also sharing rituals may upset your spirit team as the person doing the ritual may not have the awareness, the tools, the training or the animistic relationships involved to correctly honour the process.
I never do rituals shared by others. The spirits they are working with are unknown to me (and I don’t see the need to waste my energy in finding out who is behind the curtain, pulling the strings). Though, normally you can feel the frequency of things.
Ritual sharing online is one of the easiest ways to hook participants to your energy and hence get more clients. One would say, there is nothing wrong with this strategy.
Nevertheless, if you do rituals shared by others, you are giving the energies they work with permission to enter your field. This automatically creates an energetic bond that not only is not necessary, but you are giving your power away.
Everyone has innate magick and by sharing the "know how", people are empowered to actually create their own soul and lineage aligned rituals, cleanly and without the energetic interference of someone else's work.
The communication channels are clearer and the difference is palpable with the results being much more potent.
There is no "copy and paste" magick or unnecessary gatekeeping in my work, only empowerment to be the best of who you are meant to be.