Teacher/Student Dynamics

I am currently studying another spiritual tradition - I love learning!

I don't like my teacher, I find her annoying and over the top.

I catch myself judging her.

Sometimes I think I know more than her (negative ego), sometimes I still have an energetic tantrum if I don't immediately "get" something or if my belief systems are challenged.

My stuff comes up as it should in every half decent spiritual training.

I know this game, I have been here a million times before (I have been non stop training for 25 years), however sharing with all of you so that you can recognise it too. Being able to recognise it is so much easier as you see your patterns and rein yourself in as a student.

A student that cannot drop into beginner's mind won't be able to receive the blessings of the spiritual transmissions.

However, despite the triggers and tantrums, I am doing this training for my Soul and I am grown up enough to know that this interaction is not about whether or not I like her or her "vibe", it's about whether or not I am grown up enough to put my preferences to one side and focus on the training and my own journey with it.

I am grown up enough because I choose to be. It's all about choice.

I have had plenty of spiritual teachers I did not like. I have had plenty of teachers that did not like me.

Spiritual work is not about "liking", we are NO longer in high school.

Spiritual work is about getting over yourself and showing up no matter what.

I have also had crushes on teachers and played out all the dramas I call out in class eg. psychic competition etc.

You can recognise it once you have been through it.

I have also projected mother/father/saviour on teachers... the list is endless.

We all do it.

Sharing here to normalise your own internal process around your teachers so you can show up with greater self awareness.

I encourage you all to commit to whatever you are doing with awareness and professionalism.

I am showing up too and I am committed to an hour of study per day despite my decades of study.

When I find something new I don't go half in, no one gets results this way. The only way is "ALL or NOTHING" and certainty that it's working even if you can't see the results.

I didn't see shamanistic results for years, but I didn't give up.

Don't give up!

Your ego wants you to give up, your shadows want you to quit.

Your ego will always make up a million excuses as to why you don't belong somewhere or why a teacher is "the big bad wolf".

Learn to discern when you are projecting your stuff onto another. This is key if you are to evolve your consciousness.

 I believe that the teacher should always be the student and vice versa and that is my ongoing commitment to my participants.

How can I show up as a teacher if I am not also the student?


The Leaky Facilitator or Therapist


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