What You Need To Know About Frequency Bandwidths

It’s ok for everyone to be in their own frequency bandwidth.

Just like stations on the radio, we are all in different frequency bandwidths. 

People within a specific bandwidth will tend to like what those in the same bandwidth share. The information won’t be triggering, activating or confronting in any way.

There’s those of us that are eclectic and just like we enjoy lots of different musical genres, we love jumping around all the bandwidths, observing and learning.

I am learning to release judgment by noticing everyone’s perfect place within our etheric web.

We can’t expect someone with a completely different frequency to possibly comprehend what we are saying. My younger self 10 years ago would not comprehend what I am experiencing or sharing now….

We are generally attracted to someone who is only one or two bandwidths from our own as it feels comfortable and familiar.

If we go too high, we actually won’t even perceive the person or information. 

I am sure that as you have changed, you have found people and things and wondered “where has this been my whole life?”. It’s always been there, you just weren’t ready to perceive it.

Spiritual maturity is being able to perceive all the radio stations, and if something triggers you then change the station.

You can also allow that different information to sit in your energy to just observe it and either consider it or discard it without reacting back by commenting.

The ego is reactive, the Soul is compassionate. 

I see things all the time that I don’t agree with or they don’t resonate but I find it useful to say to myself “that is their truth, bless them on their path” and I move on.

I aim not to leak energy based on someone else’s truth. Show restraint, contain your life force energy and save this precious energy for the things that really matter – your life.

No one ever “won” a fight online, no one. It’s like a battle of the bands with heavy metal on one side and country on the other. There is no winner, just different frequencies.

I normally only comment if the post has added something of value to give energy back to the writer for helping me consider a different perception of life. But commenting to argue, prove my point, or bolster my own ego – no way, my energy is too precious and I have better things to do.

If the bandwidth that I am operating from resonates, I look forward to sharing with you in sacred space. If it doesn't, infinite blessings to you and your path. Just change the radio station.


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