Hooks of The New Age

The New Age Path is Healing Until it No Longer is.

Everyone that has chosen the new age path was once or is still looking for healing, family, love and/or connection. We all received many blessings from our journey on this path, but we may still be stuck with some hooks and programmes that don't serve us anymore.

Sharing a list of things to detox in case any of them are holding you back from stepping into your own power. There are benevolent versions of this list but these are difficult to come across.

A lot of the new age is like Multi-Level Marketing (MLM).

A large number of people are still giving their power away. It is designed to suck energy from the bottom to the top. No one wins except the shadow beings at the top.

I would like to acknowledge that I have received healing from some of the things listed, but unless you are doing sincere inner work it may become a distraction and stop you from authentic soul connection and your soul aligned path.

Let's get the hooks out, let's clear the clutter and allow more of our soul essence in.

A large number of people are still giving their power away to the following:

  • Egyptian past lives and pantheon - Yes, we were all there, let's take the lessons and move on. The answers are in the present.

  • Ascended masters - unless you are a frequency match to an "ascended" master, you are most likely interacting with a shadow being. Don't give your power away to fake ascended masters.

  • Plant medicine crazy - I love the plant kingdom but if you are still drinking "medicine" and repeating the same intention after 10 years, it's time to do some inner work and move on.

  • Starseed ascension programmes - let's ensure there's no cords connecting us to the demon ships. I wasted so much time on this one not realizing I was interacting with demons, not Andromedans! Remember you have to be a frequency match!

  • Light language - unless you can write the alphabet and translate it, last time I heard it was referred to as "speaking in tongues" and it's actually possession. Twin flame - this one destroyed some of my most cherished relationships. You are the one you have been waiting for!

  • Healy - before you go crazy it may work for you but it doesn't resonate with me. I just wish that the company were more ethical and refunds were an option. It all boils down to the consciousness of those that created this MLM.

  • Kundalini anything - Run from this - Let your own body and energy field "awaken" naturally. Forcing this may unlock things you are not ready for and I have seen a lot of psychosis from forcing "awakenings".

  • Corrupted law of attraction and manifestation teachings designed to feed your ego and lower your consciousness.

  • Diluted forms of reiki and energy work - this will dilute your own essence!

  • Learning spirituality on YouTube - whilst there's amazing videos on YouTube, my clinic is full of people who follow social media practices e.g. spellcasting etc. and then have no idea what to do when "the sh!t hits the fan" which inevitably always does...

Which others am I missing? There's so many more!

Authentic spirituality is your direct relationship between you and spirit.

All the above are part of lower level astral MLMs and a distraction.

This is why you should detox your energy field.

Discernment is more important than ever.

Finding authentic teachings on any of the above is like finding a needle in a haystack. Proceed with caution.

Even if you keep getting “downloads” from any of the above - be discerning.

Learn how to receive true downloads from Source and your Soul.

It’s a completely different experience and it won’t send you on a rigmarole of always looking externally.

With so much love and gratitude to participants of my mentoring programmes “The Inner Temple” and “The Solar Gateways” for their contributions to this post.

Let’s remove all that no longer serves from our energy fields together.


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