Spiritual Etiquette Part 1: Facilitators

It seems that etiquette is a long forgotten art in spiritual ceremonies, in person trainings and online spaces.


We all have our own versions and opinions on what is appropriate etiquette.  These are based on my experience and what I expect from those that I have trained as teachers and those that I welcome into my space.   If it resonates great, if it doesn’t, chuck it in the cosmic dust bin. 


Spiritual Etiquette for In person and Online spaces (by “spiritual” I refer to facilitators who invoke spirits in the space).


Please note that working with Spirit requires many years of trial and error, and training.  It requires adequate discernment between false and real light.  It’s a journey of initiations, sacrifice and unwavering commitment. 

I know it’s trendy right now for everyone to add “spirits” to their work as a marketing tool,  but participants please proceed with caution. 

If the facilitator is not adequately trained you will end up with much more than you bargained for (energetic attachments, hooks, curses etc).  Our clinics are full of people who require a lot of work after trusting someone they shouldn’t have.   And as spirit work is non linear this may not show up immediately, it may take years for the full damage to be seen.


I’m proposing some guidelines for elevating our Spiritual Etiquette.


The following list breaks down the guidelines as they may apply to both facilitators and their responsibility in the space, as well as participants and how they show up in the space.

Both are important.

And I welcome your contribution to this conversation of what you see is needed in terms of elevating spiritual etiquette in our spaces and shared communities.

All my training is designed to support authentic, ethical and integral spirit workers.

If working with LIGHT resonates with you, I will see you in the space.



Facilitator Guidelines

  • Ideally as a facilitator you have learnt how to manage your energy and “stuff” so you can park it as necessary

  • Be transparent about the type of event you are running – cacao disco, shamanic ceremony (spirits are invoked and you know how to manage and command a space), sharing circle, online experiential journey etc.

  • Be honest about your level of experience and length of experience.  Attending events though helpful is not “experience” unless you are the facilitator.

  • Be clear about your offering and what is included.

  • Be clear about space guidelines and rules.

  • Be responsible for the energetics and spiritual beings in the space.

  • Be responsible for providing a clean space for participants and the team.

  • Be transparent about what is in any elixirs and their effects on each person.

  • Practice due diligence with whatever you are working with – some spirits are more demanding than others and if you don’t do as required than your participants will pay for your sloppy work.

  • Confidentiality is paramount.

  • Look after participants – no photos or videos of people in process (this is a huge violation of their energetic boundaries, even if they consent, as they may not know better).

  • Only offer processes that you are trained in and have a level of mastery – if you are trying something that you are learning then be honest.

  • Don’t force or manipulate participants to take part in your event.   This is more common than you think.

  • Be honest about how long results may actually take – 25 years of watching people in these spaces and I have noticed that it takes people about 5 years minimum to have a firm footing in the spirit world. 

    Willa Harlatt says “If you are not in for the long haul then you simply aren’t in… my first teacher told me after 20 years you are just beginning and over 50 years down the line I hold that to be true”…. I am 25 years in I find that to be true as well.  I would not hand over my energy body and Soul to anyone unless they have been doing this a long time and have a high level of consciousness.   I made that mistake many times and paid a very high price energetically.

  • Integrity is non negotiable otherwise the spirits invoked will be shadow beings and harvest your energy and that of the participants: be honest about who inspired the work and your teachers.  If you are copying work without permission you are already working with shadow beings and the entire space will be a shadow “factory”.

  • Ensure you are getting supervision, ongoing training and mentoring. Working on yourself is non-negotiable.

    I have trained hundreds of people and I have noticed that those that don’t continue working on themselves turn to false light eventually. It is easier as the shadow beings will always offer you a quick fix.  False light teachers are very common in the spiritual arena as they have exchanged with dark entities for power, fame, money or all of these.  It’s actually quite easy to spot once you have had training.

  • Be transparent with pricing and what participants are receiving in exchange.


Each of these points could be a whole chapter in a book.

I hope this helps facilitators comprehend their responsibilities and participants to be more aware.

It is a PRIVILEGE to hold space for participants' spiritual transformations and as facilitators we need to be fully aware of the energies and spirits in the space.

Integrity is non negotiable when working with the spirit world to ensure the space is in Divine Order.


Spiritual Etiquette Part 2: Participants


Hooks of The New Age