Menopause Mania

After the deep silence of the Baby Boomer generation, where menopause was rarely acknowledged, Generation X seems to have menopause mania—primarily focused on refusing to age and maintaining "looks."

This "perpetual maiden" program hits menopausal women with the same fervour as social media's "siren" programs, which affect women of all ages and sends them into overdrive with competition and comparison.

These programs speak directly to our fear of ageing, keeping us stuck in obsessive loops about our physicality, preventing us from doing the real work.

Imagine being in between lives, having a life review, and learning that all you were meant to BE did not happen because you spent your life worrying about your waist size.

We have all fallen for this program at one time or another. Our challenge is to return to our true essence and reclaim our power, which is needed now more than ever.

If you want to actively engage in your menopausal journey from a spiritual perspective, supported by the healed grandmothers of your lineage, then it’s time to say “enough is enough” and change the narratives for your bloodline. This will free up so much energy, space, power, and love.

Being witnessed in this process is priceless. The menopausal rite of passage is the last one before death and it deserves your attention.

It is a gift to age, and it is a gift to be able to honour this stage of life with presence, ritual, ceremony, and prayer.

Quest of the Queen is designed to ensure that this rite of passage prepares you for the next stage of your journey, where you can lay the programs to rest and be a rebel against the current norms by choosing YOU!

We are here to support you on your journey. If you would like us to cover a specific menopause topic or expand on anything, please let us know.


Hooks of The New Age


The Power of Transmissions