Why Seeds of Regret in Midlife are Keeping You Stuck

During the middle phase of a woman’s life, we often look back at the choices we made that have led us to this point.

It is not unusual to be carrying seeds of regret for opportunities we missed and timelines that did not eventuate.

‘What if I had ….(insert regret)? How would my life look now?’

What we are often unconscious of, is that regret keeps us stuck and looping in the past. The consequence is that our energy is scattered across our timeline and not anchored in the present.

Menopause is an opportunity for us to become consciously aware of where we are leaking energy and to revisit these ‘forks in the road’ so we can consciously close these alternative timelines down with love and acceptance, and retrieve our energy.

Last year during ‘Quest of the Queen’ we did some very powerful Soul Constellation ® work with our Maiden and Mother aspects.

What does this look like?

Each participants was given the opportunity to see the divine wisdom of their Soul’s journey in this incarnation.

We were able to see where the ‘sliding doors’ moments in our life had led to completely different outcomes.

One participant (who had not had children in this life) could see that she was never meant to be a mother. Her Soul was wanting a different experience this time around. In seeing this, she was able to release regret, self judgement and grief with so much tenderness and love.

Another woman was able to witness and forgive her younger self for the way she had parented her children in their younger years when she had post-natal depression.

Another woman was able to see her ‘maiden’ self was not to blame for the patterns of abuse that ran in her family.

Each woman had their own version of this story as we quested for reconciliation and release. It was profound.

What a gift it was for everyone to have the opportunity to retrieve their energy and power from these loops of self recrimination.

This shift towards self-compassion allowed participants to open forward to the future without the ‘baggage’ of unfinished business.

Perhaps there is a timeline you are unconsciously carrying from your past too…

We invite you to join us for the opportunity to liberate yourself too so you can embody the fullest expression of who you are and why you are here.

Let’s be full-power Queens who are here to help birth a new chapter of human history. Who’s with us?

So much love

Kate and Sharon xx

For more information about this immersion - visit: https://www.thesistercircles.com/page/quest-of-the-queen


Letting Go of Divine Feminine Titles


Spiritual Etiquette Part 2: Participants