Spiritual Etiquette Part 2: Participants

Following on from my previous post on Guidelines for Facilitators..

Participants also have some due diligence to do in elevating the standards of spiritual etiquette in our shared spaces.

Here are my recommended guidelines for participants in spiritual spaces. I welcome you to share with me which ones resonate, which ones don’t.

I also welcome you to add to the conversation what you think i may have left out.

Join the conversation and let’s improve our sacred spaces together...


Participant Guidelines

  • Be punctual and respectful

  • Honour your financial commitment on time – to not do so is to become an energetic vampire.

  • Show up willing to try something new (beginner’s mind even if you think you are really experienced).

  • Keep participants and their processes confidential.

  • Keep the material confidential, it’s for you to improve your life not go and teach the next day e.g. don’t steal work.  Have patience, work on yourself, work with the spirit world and your Soul medicine will open up in divine timing. Credit the training as appropriate e.g. if it inspires you, changes you, or results in you creative work as a direct result of the training.

  • Show up to zoom with appropriate attire and setting e.g. not in bed in your knickers

  • Don’t cook, check your phone or eat during Zoom calls.

  • Turn your phone off – no photos or videos of the session or participants.

  • Be respectful of the space, the spirits and the process.

  • Be willing to listen, especially to the spirits.

  • Manage your energy and speak up as needed – ask for what you need instead of blaming, projecting or going into a ‘drama triangle’.

  • Avoid psychic competition with other participants and the facilitator. This one is way more common than you may think.

  • Be willing to go to therapy – spiritual spaces will bring up your stuff and so therapy alongside is non negotiable.

  • Be willing to work on your trauma and shadows. Be willing to become a responsible adult.

  • Maintain a grateful heart even if you don’t see results straight away.  It took me years to be able to see results as I was looking for the same external results we are all taught to focus on e.g. money, instant gratification etc.. Notice instead, the beautiful work happening internally which then as if by “magick” changes the outer. Transformations take time.


Add to the conversation and share with me what Spiritual Etiquette you think is needed.


All my training is designed to support authentic, ethical and integral spirit workers.  If working with LIGHT resonates with you, I will see you in the space.


Why Seeds of Regret in Midlife are Keeping You Stuck


Spiritual Etiquette Part 1: Facilitators