The Soul’s Love Languages

In 1992, Gary Chapman released his book “The 5 Love Languages”.  Chapman noticed the patterns in couples he was counselling and this led to the creation of the 5 love languages – the way people express love in relationships. 

The love languages are:

Words of affirmation

Quality time

Physical touch

Acts of service

Receiving gifts


We all share and receive love languages differently based on our unique blueprint and life experience, which includes our culture and the wounds we carry.  

In order to be a vessel that can receive all love languages not just from love relationships but from ALL relationships, including spiritual ones, we need to cleanse our vessel of the blocks that stop us from fully receiving love. 

These blocks may be physical, energetic, emotional, mental and/or spiritual.  Here are some examples of blocks to receiving love that I have regularly seen in clinic:


Physical – Not liking physical touch due to boundary violations in sexual and physical abuse

Energetic – Not enjoying quality time as you may feel drained afterwards due to poor energetic management

Emotional – feeling guilty when receiving gifts due to worth issues

Mental – unconscious beliefs such as believing that if you receive then you owe someone, which leaves you feeling overwhelmed

Spiritual – not trusting your spiritual gifts due to fear of standing out and/or persecution


Loving yourself and your Soul with the 5 love languages will start to gently work on the blocks. It’s incredible how pure love can release all that no longer serves.


The Soul loves all love languages especially when they are incorporated with the art of witnessing the Soul in the brilliance of its spiritual light and darkness of its shadow with no judgment and nothing but love and compassion.


The most healing gift for a human and their Soul is having their full expression witnessed without judgment. 

When someone looks into the windows of your Soul with love and compassion for your humanity and struggle, your Soul feels seen, validated and deeply healed. 

This level of witnessing sets your Soul free and gives you permission to share your light for you no longer have to hide who you are – a spirit in a bodyPhew!  What a relief! 


This is a gift we can give others but also ourselves. Consider gifting yourself the following practice which incorporates all 5 love languages. 

First of all it’s an act of service and quality time with your Soul.  You will then give yourself words of affirmation and physical touch, and you will gift your Soul a flower once a week (this will encourage your Soul to blossom more and more in your daily experience). 

I suggest you do this once a day for 21 days:


Look at your eyes in the mirror and say something along these lines…


“My beautiful Soul, I see your brilliant light and I acknowledge all the trauma and struggles you have been through. 

You are so strong and so brave! I love you and ask to connect with you at a heart level (feel your heart). 

I am ready to listen to your voice and guidance.  Thank you for choosing this body in this incarnation (gently and lovingly hug yourself). 

I choose to accept myself fully with love and compassion and I give you full permission to shine and guide me to my Soul aligned path in this lifetime. 

May this be done with joy, kindness, ease and grace”.

We are all on an unique soul journey that deserves witnessing with love, respect and no judgment.  As we have all experienced, Earth school is not for the faint hearted!


Deep blessings to your beautiful Soul


Serving Your Soul Medicine from a Clean Cup


The Year of the Dragon